14 Shevat 5778
30 January 2018
Slimy Picture of the Day

Note the Palestinian flag that the Neturei Karta are holding, the picture in the background, and the “Free Ahed” sign being held (picture source is faintly embedded in the middle of the picture). We apologize that the picture is slightly blurry.
There is no more hideous Jewish religious group in the world than Neturei Karta. Whether they are in Tehran being paid by the ayatollahs to deny the Holocaust, or traveling around the world collecting money for saying that Israel should not exist, or standing in the living room of the Tamimi family in Nabi Saleh urging freedom for a Palestinian terrorist, Neturei Karta deserves our universal condemnation.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists in the Palestinian state of Gaza fired at least 2 missiles into southern Israel at midnight last night. No Israelis were physically wounded, but who knows how many were emotionally traumatized by the incoming missile sirens and subsequent explosions.
There has been no Israeli response to the missile attack.
Palestinian terrorists attacked a group of Jewish community members as they were planting trees near Yitzhar. One of the men had to be evacuated to a hospital with severe wounds to his eye and face.

The man who was wounded at Yitzhar today while planting trees. His head has been covered for reasons of privacy.
Palestinian terrorists attacked with “rocks” and Molotovs at the Marda Junction, Silwad, Deheisheh, the Hevron Hills, Dahariya, Hizma, Jania, Jayyus, Al-Fawwar, Nabi Saleh, Ni’lin, Salfit, Bil’in, Beit Sira, Psagot, Immanuel, Shuafat, Tekoa, on Route 443 near Khirbet a, l-Mesbah and Beit Horon, Luban a Sharqiya, Aswiya, Hevron, Al-Azariya, Beit Verik, Itamar, the Carmela Crossing, and Sinjil.
All reports of the terrorism above are taken from citizens’ reports to rotter, hakolhayehudi, and Rescue Judea and Samaria.
An ugly anti-American incident in Bethlehem . . .
This morning the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce and Industry was hosting an American delegation who were there to help build the Palestinian economy in the city.
However, before the meeting could start Palestinian protesters burst into the room, roughed up people, and forced the Americans out. As the Americans were leaving, the protesters kicked the doors of their cars, ripped a mirror off, and threw tomatoes at the Americans.
If you are able to view twitter on your computer, you can click here and see the entire incident.
Afterwards, a spokesman for the Chamber put out this absurd statement:
“We hosted an American expert on this issue. Some people who have been trying to express their point of view and protest against the American decision regarding Jerusalem and the political situation interrupted the workshop, and we stopped the workshop.”
The International Media Rushes
To Bail Out the Palestinians
Your humble servant is always struck by how the international media uses provocative terminology to refer to the Palestinians and how it uses false information to buttress the fraudulent Palestinian narrative.
Both techniques have been employed this week to criticize the American monetary cuts to UNRWA and engender sympathy for “the poor Palestinians.”
In the former category, a Reuters “news” article this past week referred to Gaza as “the small, impoverished enclave”. Gaza is a Palestinian state, and if it is impoverished, it is because the Palestinians are spending every penny they have on weapons and tunnels, paying the salaries of Palestinians terrorists, and lining the pockets of corrupt Palestinian leaders.
In the latter category comes an Associated Press “news” article today. In the process of informing readers that Russia, Kuwait, Belgium and eight more European countries are rushing emergency money to UNRWA, the anonymous writer of the article proclaims:
“UNRWA, which serves some 5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants, had a budget of over $1 billion last year.”
Some 5 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants?
So now, we are supposed to believe that “some 5 million Palestinian refugees” left Israel in 1948? And that these 5 million plus their descendants are now served by UNRWA?
The perverse humor of the situation is how the international media takes the incredibly exaggerated claims of the Palestinians and incredibly exaggerates them even more.
However, it must be said that the use of egregious words and false claims is one of the most effective tools in the Palestinian toolbox of canards.
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