15 Shevat 5778
31 January 2018
Slimy Picture of the Day

Slime and slime. German FM Sigmar Gabriel and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah today (picture source on photo).
Perhaps you remember, dear reader, how Sigmar Gabriel came to Israel last April and in defiance of PM Netanyahu, held a meeting with the nauseating group Breaking the Silence. Because of that meeting, Netanyahu refused to meet with Gabriel.
Today Gabriel met with Netanyahu (see below), but immediately ran to Ramallah and berated Israel, again, for being uncommitted to peace and even for embracing President Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration:
“How do you want Israel’s future to look like? Are you prepared to pay the price of perpetual occupation? The Americans are taking your side more clearly than ever before, but is this really a good thing? When I think of the likely consequences I think this is more ambivalent.”
In your humble servant’s opinion, Sigmar Gabriel should take his advice and put it where the sun doesn’t shine.
Interesting Conversation of the Day:
German FM Sigmar Gabriel (speaking to PM Netanyahu):
“I welcome your support for a two-state solution. I . . .”
PM Netanyahu (interrupting):
“No, we will control the entire area west of the Jordan River. Whether or not it’s defined as a state when we have the military control is another matter. The question is whether this will be a state or not under these conditions. I prefer not to deal with definitions at this stage but with substance.”
Obviously, Israel-bashing Gabriel was trying to tease a statement in support for a two-state solution out of Netanyahu. But our Prime Minister was not buying what Gabriel was selling, and reiterated what he said at Davos this past week: in any peace agreement, Israel will have security control over everything west of the Jordan River.
Further, Netanyahu implied that if the Palestinians are agreeable to this security arrangement, then there might be a Palestinian state; if not, they can have what they have now, an autonomous area.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
A Palestinian terrorist armed with a knife and wearing an IDF coat was captured at Negohot overnight. The terrorist was carrying a map of the community.
“Rock” and Molotov attacks took place at Luban a-Sharqiya, Adam Square, Hizma, Sufiya, Hawara, Qalqilya, Husan, Al Azariya, Silwad, Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem, Jilazon, Beit El, Al Muayyir, Deheisheh, Jericho, Beit Ummar, El Khader, Anatot, Beit Sira, Malak, Beit Romano in Hevron, the the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, Zawiya, Beitin, Ariel, Al Aruv, Mt. Hevron and the Hevron Hills, Dahariya, Jania, and Jayyus.
All reports of the terrorism above are taken from citizens’ reports to rotter, hakolhayehudi, and Rescue Judea and Samaria.
The Civil Administration, police and IDF destroy more Jewish homes . . .
Try to wrap your mind around these events.
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Two weeks ago, a Jewish family living at Havat Ma’on contacted police to report that Palestinians had attacked their home and stolen property. Police arrived on the scene shortly thereafter and called in demolition forces from the Civil Administration to destroy the house.
Yes, you read that correctly. The people who reported the robbery to the police had their home destroyed by the police and Civil Administration.
Yesterday the same sequence of events occurred. Buildings at Havat Ma’on were again destroyed in response to Palestinian theft from the same buildings.
Just unbelievable.
The Israeli economy keeps humming along . . .
The Central Bureau of Statistics revealed today that the unemployment rate in Israel dropped to 4%–the lowest in several decades. In November, the rate was 4.3%.
Lebanon’s Attempted Maritime Gas Grab Today
Take a look at the above map.
This morning, Lebanon opened up bidding on possible exploration of potential gas deposits in the “disputed zone.”
Almost immediately, the Israeli government labeled the Lebanese solicitation of bids as “extremely provocative” and warned international firms not to bid.
In return Lebanese President Michel Aoun described the Israeli statement as a “threat to Lebanon.”
Whereupon, Israel Defense Minister Lieberman declared: “When Lebanon solicits a bid on a possible gas field, which by any standard is ours, this is very, very challenging and provocative conduct.”
Where does this leave us? The problem with the Lebanese maritime grab is not only the disputed area; Lebanon has previously declared that it may have rights to gas in the Leviathan and Tamar areas.
It is a maritime grab that Israel cannot allow to stand.