25 Shevat 5778
10 February 2018
Unfortunate Pictures of the Day
The site of the F16 crash near Kibbutz Harduf:
Map 1: Where the incoming missile alarms blared at 4:25 am this morning:
The following areas were the red pinpoints in Zone 128:
Azor Industries, Ahuzat Shoshana, Bikura, Beit Alpha, Beit Hashita, Beit Yosef, Beit Shean, Gesher, Dushan Farms, Havat Eden, Havat Shaf’a, Hamadia Beit Shean, Neve Or, Neve Eitan, Nir David, Ein Hanatziv, Ravia, Rehov, Reshefim, Beit Shean, Neve Tzedek, Sde Eliyahu, Sde Nahum, Shadi Tromot, Shluchot, Shlafim, and Tel Teomim.
Map 2: Where the missile alarms blared at 5:44 am, 5:47 am, 5:52 am, 5:55 am this morning:

Note that the entire Golan was affected. Katzrin is considered the capital of the Israeli Golan Heights.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
There were two more attempted stabbings yesterday; one at Hashmonaim near Modi’in and the other at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hevron. No Israelis were wounded, and both terrorists were captured.
In addition to numerous “rock” and Molotov attacks by Palestinian terrorists, our soldiers were hit by an IED blast near Hevron. Fortunately, only “minor” wounds were reported.
A new IDF outpost in Hevron . . .
Considering all the recent Palestinian violence in the Hevron area, yesterday’s announcement of a new IDF outpost on the Abu Sneineh ridge overlooking the city comes as no surprise.
From keeping a tiny outpost of only 5 soldiers, the IDF has now moved in a company of 140 soldiers from the 101st Paratrooper Brigade.
The new outpost is located beside the house from which the 10-month-old infant Shalhevet Pass was shot to death in her baby stroller on March 26, 2001 by a Palestinian sniper.
Israeli adult education: among the highest in the world . . .
According to a report by the OECD (Organization for Economic Development) Israel ranks 3rd in the world in terms of adult education. The ranking is based on the percentage of people in the country between the ages of 25 and 64 who have completed a two-year, 4-year, or vocational program following high school.
In order, the top 10 countries are Canada, Japan, Israel, Korea, United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Finland, Norway, and Luxembourg.
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Israeli F-16 Shot Down:
Was This Morning The Opening Salvo
Of The Next War In The North?
The events of the early morning are still sketchy. Apparently the sequence was this:
Israeli radar picked up an incoming Iranian drone over the Golan. The drone was destroyed by an Israeli helicopter.
Israeli planes then carried out missions over Syria attacking Hezbollah, Iranian, and Syrian arms depots. While doing so, they came under fierce counter attack from anti-aircraft missiles. A number of those missiles were picked up by Israel’s incoming missile alarm system as you can see from the above two maps.
In the process of the above, an Israeli F-16 jet was apparently hit by missile fire and crashed near Kibbutz Harduf in the lower Galilee. The pilots ejected safely, were picked up, and whisked to a nearby hospital.
As regular readers of israelstreet know, your humble servant has been reporting for some time now that war is coming in the north. The vast array of missiles now possessed by Hezbollah and Iran all along the Lebanese and Syrian borders makes such a war more likely by the minute.
A report from a Russian source yesterday partially describes the incredible Hezbollah arsenal:
*Hezbollah now possesses 30,000 high precision missiles in Syria–with missile batteries manned by Iranian experts.
*Hezbollah now possesses 130,000 missiles in south and central Lebanon. The missile fire system is highly integrated with launch pads, warehouses, and fuel dumps. In essence, Hezbollah is able to fire 1500 missiles a day over the entire country of Israel (compared to 200 missiles a day back during the second Lebanon War in 2006).
*Hezbollah has more than 100 ballistic missiles.
*Hezbollah has an unknown quantity of Scud D warheads (weight 980 kg, range 700 km); they could easily hit any place in Israel.
*Hezbollah has more than 500 “light” ballistic missiles, with “a warhead weighing between 500 and 650 kg, and a range of 200 to 300 kilometers.”
*Hezbollah has “an unknown number of surface-to-surface missiles with a warhead weighing 250 kg and a range of 120 to 300 km.”
*Hezbollah has SAM-6 and ZSU 57-2 anti-aircraft missiles in Lebanon and Syria as well as access to the Russian S400 and S300 missile defense systems (one wonders if one of these missiles hit the Israeli F-16 this morning).
Frankly, the Hezbollah/Iranian/Syrian missile forces arrayed against Israel are frightening in their capacity and scope. There is no way for Israel to survive its strategic targets and cities being hit by 1500 missiles per day.
As we wrote the other day, the final salvo in the coming war between Hezbollah and Iran in Lebanon and Syria will be Israel’s nuclear obliteration of southern Lebanon.