26 Shevat 5778
11 February 2018
The Laughable Quote of the Day:
“The era of Israeli attacks in Syria has ended.”
A joint statement issued from Tehran and Damascus yesterday. As it turns out (see Today’s Blog), the wave after wave of Israeli bombing runs over Syria yesterday were the most devastating carried out by the IAF in Syria since 1982 during the First Lebanon War.

The Sufa (Storm) F16I made by Lockheed-Martin. One of these planes crashed yesterday after being hit by shrapnel fired by an S200 anti-aircraft missile in Syria. This morning the IAF is ascribing the crash to pilot error. Apparently the pilot avoided 23 missiles fired at the aircraft, but got hit when the 24th exploded in the vicinity.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Ma’aleh Shemesh, Tekoa, Kochav HaShachar, Kochav Ya’akov, Hizma, the Crusader Checkpoint in Hevron, Givat Ronen, Halhul, throughout Gush Etzion, Mount Hevron, Mazra’at Al-Qibliya, Jericho, Beit Furik, Itamar, Hawara, Budrus, Al-Bira, Kadum, Binyamin, Al-Mu’ayyir, Madma, Yitzhar: these were just a few of the more than 40 locations yesterday at which Palestinian terrorists attempted to kill Israeli men, women, and children.
In addition, there was yet another foiled stabbing attack–this time near Curve 160 on the outskirts of Hevron. No Israelis were wounded.
All of the above terror attacks were reported by citizens to the Rescue Judea and Samaria network, hakolhayehudi, and rotter. None of them were mentioned in the mainstream media.
Israel’s Devastating Attack on Iranian and Syrian Forces Yesterday
They were pictures not without extreme irony.
Last night, Israeli television showed video of candy being given out in Damascus and Beirut in celebration over the downed F16I yesterday–hours after Israel had laid waste to a large portion of the Syrian Air Defense, destroyed Iranian command and control centers, blown up airports, and generally wreaked havoc in Syria.
Twelve waves of Israeli aircraft struck Syria in the midst of some of fiercest anti-aircraft missile fire on record, and except for an apparent fluke involving one aircraft, they all returned home safely.
While no one in Syria, Iran, and Lebanon wants to discuss what really happened, the picture became clearer this morning from reports of Syrians on the ground.
What did Israel hit?
*the military airport in Homs (control tower destroyed, runways cratered)
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*the military airport in Damascus
*the Syrian Scud missile complex near al-Mane’a near Kisweh in southern suburban Damascus
*Syrian Army positions in Tal Abu Thalib, south of Damascus
*the Dimas electrical transformer station northwest of Damascus
*Syrian Army positions near the besieged town of Madaya
*Significant air defense positions focused on Battalion 16 near Kalamoon
*The military headquarters of the 104th Brigade of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Daryj.
*Military storage depots north of Badra (there are 377 at or near Badra)

One of the rare pictures out of Syria today. Soldiers searching for survivors in the rubble at Badra after the Israeli strikes (source EPA).
*12 Iranian Republican Guard sites around Sergaya and Madaya
*multiple Iranian areas near Jabal Al-Azzun
And on and on–remember that the above list is from heavily censored Syrian sources. And this is not to mention the control headquarters of the Iranian drone that was shot down over Israel–a drone that tried to sneak into Israel by flying first over Jordan and then into Israel.
In short, there are no numbers coming out of Syria today, but it is estimated that numerous Russian, Syrian and Iranian soldiers met their timely ends yesterday. As a member of the Israeli cabinet commented: “There are Russian and Iranian casualties; they did not expect it.”
Addendum: One of the two airmen who ejected yesterday is being released from Rambam Hospital today. The more seriously wounded pilot is listed as “improving.”