2-3 Adar 5778
17-18 February 2018
Special Notice:
There was no israelstreet blog yesterday. It was a dark and rainy day and night in Jerusalem, and much of it was spent by your humble servant at Sha’are Zedek Hospital. But at about 10:30 pm, the sun broke through (figuratively) with the birth of our sixth grandchild and second grandson!
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
*There were numerous Palestinian terror attacks on Saturday. The most egregious were on the Gaza Border–which are detailed in Today’s Blog below.
*It has just been released for publication that a Palestinian terror cell was captured before it could carry out its planned mission–the assassination of Israel Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman.
Europe continues its march into the abyss . . .

Neo Nazis marching in Sofia last night. It is abominable what the world now permits in the name of “free speech.”
Neo Nazis parading in Sofia Bulgaria yesterday in honor of a Nazi General; the Polish Prime Minister declaring two days ago that “Jewish perpetrators” helped carry out the Holocaust; a monument to Jewish Holocaust victims defaced with swastikas in Ternopil Ukraine three days ago; “violent” anti-Semitic graffiti painted in the Karl-Marx-Strasse in Berlin four days ago.
Not a day goes by in Europe that does not find itself in the 1930s again.
Some positive news on the Temple Mount . . .
Since the beginning of the year 10,564 Jews have visited the Temple Mount. This is nothing compared to the number of Muslims permitted on the Mount, but it is a 71% increase over the number of Jews permitted during the same time last year.
The Continuing Deterioration of the Gaza Border
It all began innocuously enough.
At 3:43 pm yesterday, an IDF patrol spotted a Palestinian flag placed on the border fence. When they approached to take it down, a Palestinian terrorist in Gaza remotely detonated two IEDs.
The resulting explosions critically wounded 2 soldiers, moderately wounded a third, and lightly wounded a fourth.
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About five hours later, shortly after 8 pm, Israel began retaliating by targeting a number of Hamas positions in Gaza. Huge explosions were heard from Khan Younis north.
At 9:36 pm, two incoming missile alert sirens sounded for the Eshkol and Sha’ar Hanegev regions along the border. The IDF claimed that they were false alarms; however one missile lodged in the roof of a house in Sha’ar Hanegev, but miraculously did not explode.
The IDF continued to pound Hamas positions in the succeeding hours. A total of 18 targets were struck during the night. There are unconfirmed reports that yet another Hamas tunnel was bombed.
Betweeen 2:42 am and 2:54 am, there were four more alarms for incoming missiles from Gaza in Zones 218, 220, 223, and 227.
Later on, IDF forces intercepted a 4-man group of Palestinian terrorists approaching the border fence. They were repelled by tank fire.
What does all of this mean?
It was reported last week that Iran has ordered Hamas to step up its attacks on Israelis if it wants to receive Iranian “aid.” Perhaps this is the beginning.
It also should be noted that the last time there was a war between Palestinian Hamas in Gaza and Israel, it began exactly the same way as the sequence of events today–with an attack on an IDF border patrol.