8 Adar 5778
23 February 2018
Quotation of the Day:

Working quietly and behind the scenes, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked has utterly transformed the Israel judiciary in just 18 months. In the process, she has become the most powerful Justice Minister in the history of Israel.
“Today, just a year ago, I began the process of changing the face of the Supreme Court by appointing four new judges. Today ends with the appointment of two more new judges. These appointments add to the foundation of the new Supreme Court.
This new Supreme Court is a message to Israeli democracy. It restores the judiciary to its most important role: the interpretation of the law rather than its creation.
The new Supreme Court is more diverse and thereby faithfully reflects the population of Israel. It is also legally diverse with the justices coming from different schools of thought. This new court will enable a more successful interface with all of the branches of government.”
Ayelet Shaked, speaking yesterday on the occasion of the appointment legal scholar Alex Stein and District Court Judge Ofer Grosskopf to the Supreme Court. The appointment of Stein and Grosskopf continues the move of the Court to the conservative side.
The News on the Israel Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
The Yitzhar Junction, Kedumin, Funduk, all along the Gush Etzion Road to Jerusalem, Binyamin, Luban a-Sharqiya, Hawara, Beituniya, on Route 55 east of Nabi Elias, on the Gush Etzion Road between Hevron and El Aruv, Shuafat, Beit Furik, Adorim, Mount Hevron, Al-Fawwar, Levona, the Gush Etzion Junction, Al Khader, on the road between Beit Haggai and Otniel, and Tekoa: these were all locations of Palestinian terror attacks yesterday–among many.
IDF forces carried out numerous operations in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley overnight. For example in Jiftlik, in the Jordan Valley, three terrorists were arrested and weapons were seized.
Another fraudulent report from Amnesty International . . .
Amnesty issued its annual report yesterday which accuses Israel of every conceivable violation under the sun.
As usual.
It’s not worth recounting the fraudulent litany of alleged violations here except to say that it came to light yesterday that the report was actually written by an Israeli working in the National Service.
That person should be summarily dismissed.
One other small detail: the report supports the BDS movement against Israel–which means that Amnesty International officials will become persona non grata in Israel.
The hypocrisy of the PLO on display again . . .
PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and Chief PLO Negotiator Saeb Erekat have spent most of the last month blasting the United States, and proclaiming that they will not be involved in any peace negotiations headed by the Americans.
In addition, Abbas and Erekat have encouraged Palestinians to boycott all things American.
Apparently that doesn’t apply to them.
Abbas checked into Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland yesterday for what was described as “routine exams”–following by three months Erekat’s receiving a lung transplant at Inova Fairfax Hospital in northern Virginia.
Is it “Isaiah the Prophet” or not? The Latest Tantalizing Discovery
The above stamp was recently found by the archaeological team of Dr. Eilat Mazar. It was found in an area (see below) along with other stamps from the time of King Hezekiah–the First Temple period.
Look back at the stamp again. Obviously, it is broken on one side.
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However the letters are First Temple Hebrew, and the inscription in the middle is clear:
lYesha’yah[u] (Belonging to Isaiah).
However, it is the line below that poses a question.
The partial word is:
[nvy] (Prophet).
But not so fast. The problem is that the last letter of “prophet” is missing because of the break and cracks. If the word is “prophet”, then the last letter, the one missing, is aleph.
Until a complete unbroken stamp is found, the question of whether this was the seal of Isaiah the Prophet or not will remain unsolved–but it is tantalizing to think that it might be.