Take your magnesium tablet with a cup of green tea or a glass of red wine!

22 Tammuz 5778

5 July 2018


The News on the Israeli Street

Earthquake activity continues . . .

Red marks where the strongest tremors were felt.

The red circle indicates where the strongest tremors were felt.

Five separate earthquakes have been felt in northern Israel since yesterday. The most recent one measured 4.5 on the Richter scale and was felt most strongly in these locations: Malkiya, Afula, Safed, Nimrod, Yesod HaMa’ala, Ma’alot, Yiftach, Tirat Hacarmel, Safed, Nazareth Illit, Acre, Haifa, Maayan Baruch, Kiryat Shmona, Kiryat Ata, and Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz. 

According to a senior researcher at the Geological Institute, the quakes are aftershocks of a larger earthquake that took place in Turkey. He predicts that there will be more earthquakes during the next month in Israel’s north, centered along the Syrian-African Rift Line.

Palestinian terrorism in the last 24 hours . . .

Palestinian terrorists continue to send dozens of Molotov kites and balloons into southern Israel. Hundreds of more dunams of agricultural fields, forests, and natures preserves were blackened yesterday.

Palestinian terrorists opened fire on houses in the community of Beit El; no one was wounded and the terrorists escaped into Jilazon.

Palestinian terrorists attacked buses and cars with “rocks” and Molotovs in more than 25 locations including Hizma, Hevron, Tekoa, Qalandiya, on the Gush Etzion Road, Klil, Al Khader, Hawara, and El Aruv.

A wonderful new law has been approved for second and third readings . . .

On Tuesday evening, a Knesset committee approved sending the so-called “Breaking the Silence” Law to the general Knesset for its second and third readings. The law’s nickname comes from one of the abominable organizations it targets–Breaking the Silence. As we have noted in numerous blogs over the years, Breaking the Silence consists of a group of disgruntled IDF veterans who are paid to travel the world and lead tours in Israel in order to demean current soldiers in the IDF.

If you can believe this, “leftist” school district personnel throughout the country have been bringing in Breaking the Silence and similar groups to give lectures and presentations to elementary, junior high, and high school students. 

No more, if the proposed law passes its second and third readings.

The “Breaking the Silence Law” states that any group that attacks IDF soldiers and/or violates the goals of the Israel Education Ministry will not be permitted to enter school grounds anywhere in the country.

Just how badly this law is needed was amply illustrated in the committee meeting itself. Haneen Zoabi, a viciously anti-Israel, Israeli-Arab who ardently supports Breaking the Silence fraudulently accused IDF soldiers of “murdering 500 babies in Gaza” and then proceeded to make fun of disabled veterans who were at the committee meeting to support the law.





Take your magnesium tablet with a cup of green tea or a glass of red wine!

For some years now, the drinking water of Israelis has been largely derived from desalinated water–desalinated water that is devoid of magnesium. Recently, various departments in the government have recommended putting magnesium into the water before it is piped to customers.

Expect that call to grow much louder now.

A huge study that has just been published in the Journal of Environmental Research examined 178,000 individuals in the Israeli health system. Those studied were divided into two groups: one that had been drinking desalinated water for the last six years and the other that had only drunk “natural” water.

The results? After accounting for all other relevant factors, it was discovered that those drinking the desalinated water had a 10% increase in cardiovascular diseaseas a direct result of not having magnesium in their water.

So what is there to do?

If you are not getting magnesium through your drinking water or other food sources, simply take a magnesium tablet everyday to ward off heart disease.

And make sure to drink your red wine or green tea.

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have just announced that a new study published in Communications Chemistry shows that certain compounds in green tea (EGCG) and red wine (tannic acid) may block the formation of toxic metabolites.

One of the lead researchers stressed that toxic metabolites play an important role in metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, and cancer. 

So what are you waiting for? 

Pour yourself a cup of green tea or a glass of red wine, grab a magnesium tablet, and relax!



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This entry was posted in News and tagged 4.5 richter scale, acre, afula, al khader, Breaking the Silence law, cancer, cardiovascular disease, Communications Chemistry, desalinated water, earthquake, EGCG, green tea, haifa, haneen zoabi, hawara, hevron, hizma, Israel, Journal of Environmental Research, Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz, Kiryat Ata, kiryat shmona, Klil, maalot, Maayan Baruch, magnesium, Malkiya, metabolic diseases, nazareth illit, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, Nimrod, northern israel, on the Gush Etzion Road, palestinian terror, qalandiya, red wine, safed, Syrian-African Rift Line, tannic acid, tekoa, Tirat Hacarmel, toxic metabolites, Yesod HaMa'ala, yiftach. Bookmark the permalink.

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