30 Tishrei 5779
9 October 2018
The News on the Israeli Street and Today’s Blog:
How Many Times Do We Have To See Scenes Like This?

Kim Yehezkel parents and husband weep over her body as a
rabbi says the mourner’s kaddish at her funeral Sunday night.
Yesterday was the day after.
It was the day after two more Israelis, two of our best and our brightest, were murdered in cold blood by a Palestinian terrorist.
Think about it.
On Sunday morning, Kim Yehezkel and Ziv Hajbi were young, hard-working, vibrant people. They were loved by all around them, most of all by their adoring families.
By Sunday evening, they were dead and buried.
Dead and buried in a scene we have seen played out so many times over the years amidst wailing parents and friends.
By yesterday, Monday, the families were sitting shiva, still thunderstruck about what happened to their daughter, mother, wife, son, father, and husband. How, they asked themselves, could this have happened?
Sitting shiva with them were the parade of politicians who always show up on such occasions. Politicians who made the same speeches they always make about how the murderer will not go unpunished, how Jewish blood is not cheap, and on and on ad nauseum.
It was left for Kim’s father and Ziv’s mother to say what is on everyone’s mind.
Kim’s father said it simply: “Every terrorist should know that he will be executed and that his family will suffer for his crimes.”
Ziv’s mother shouted there will be no justice for her daughter because when the murderer is caught, he will be put in prison, paid an exorbitant salary, and get a university degree.
We all know that she is absolutely right. She could have added that he will be smuggled cellphones, have his sperm smuggled out to a wife he doesn’t have yet, and generally be allowed to do whatever he wants by the Israel prison system.
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We all know all of this because it has happened so often. Just think about this year alone:
On January 9, Raziel Shevach, a 35-year-old father of six, was shot dead near Havat Gilad.
On February 5, Itamar Ben Gal from Har Bracha, a 29-year-old father of four, was stabbed to death at a bus station near Ariel.
On March 16, two IDF soldiers, 20-year-old Netanel Kahalani and 21-year-old Ziv Daos, were murdered when they were run over by a Palestinian terrorist in Samaria.
On March 18, 32-year-old Adiel Kolman was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist in the Old City. He left behind his wife and 4 children.
On July 26, 31-year-old Yotam Ovadia was stabbed to death in Adam. He left behind his wife and two children.
On August 16, 42-year-old Hana Rozen was run over and killed near Havat Gilad.
On September 16, 45-year-old Ari Fuld was stabbed to death outside a shopping mall near Efrat. He left behind his wife and four children.
All of these deaths and so many before them beg the questions:
Why isn’t there a death penalty for terrorists?
Why do we let the PLO get away with funding murderers and their families?
Why in the world do we let terrorist murderers get degrees, father children, and lead a royal life in prison?
Why don’t we hold Palestinian leaders responsible for inciting terrorists to kill us?
How many scenes like the one yesterday do we have to see before drastic action is taken?