17 Kislev 5779
25 November 2018
Idiotic Quote of the Day:
“We had estimated that the transfer of funds from Qatar and the progress of indirect talks with Hamas would cause the number of participants in the weekly demonstrations on the border to drop.”
A senior IDF spokesman yesterday, referring to the fact that there was no drop in the number of terrorists at the Gaza border on Friday and Saturday with approximately 10,000 Hamasniks assaulting our troops with hundreds of grenades, IEDs, and bombs.
Think for a moment about the implications of the spokesman’s statement and what it says about the IDF non-military mindset and the IDF embrace of political correctness.
Non-military mindset: the IDF hoped that paying blackmail to Hamas would stop the attacks. The IDF hoped that talking with Hamas through Egyptian intermediaries would stop the attacks.
Political correctness: according to the IDF, “terrorists” are now “participants” and “attacks” are now “demonstrations.”
Pathetic Press Release of the Day
European Union External Action Bruxelles 24/11/2018
Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations
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Last week, Israeli authorities demolished around 20 Palestinian commercial buildings in the Shuafat Refugee camp in East Jerusalem, only weeks after the Jerusalem municipality advanced plans for close to 800 new housing units in the Israeli settlements of Ramat Shlomo and Ramot in East Jerusalem. In addition, settlers in the East Jerusalem neighbourhood of Silwan are continuing proceedings that could lead to the eviction of up to 700 Palestinians living in the area.
The European Union is strongly opposed to Israel’s settlement policy, illegal under international law, and actions taken in that context, such as forced transfers, evictions and demolitions. The EU expects the Israeli authorities to reconsider and reverse these decisions.
The policy of settlement construction and expansion in East Jerusalem continues to undermine the possibility of a viable two-state solution, with Jerusalem as the future capital of both states, which is the only realistic way to achieve a just and lasting peace.
The sheer arrogance of the European Union is always a source of amusement to your humble servant. The way this press release throws around the phrases “illegal under international law” and “settlement policy” as well as “forced transfers, evictions and demolitions” is laughable.
Ramat Shlomo and Ramot (where your humble servant’s son and family live) are as Israeli as every neighborhood of Jerusalem–only much larger. As for Silwan, it was originally built for Yemenite Jews and was where they lived until they were forced out by Arab attacks almost a century ago. Regarding Shuafat, the residents there have been begging authorities to take control of the lawless situation for years.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Terrorists stabbed an Israeli on Moshe Dayan Street in Jerusalem. He remains in “moderate” condition this morning; the terrorists escaped.
A historic agreement? . . .
It was revealed last night that a memorandum of understanding was signed several days ago between Israel, Cyprus, Greece, and Italy to construct a pipeline to transport Israeli natural gas to Europe–the world’s largest market for natural gas.
To say that this will be a marvelous achievement when finished is an understatement.
To say that this is incredibly problematic is an egregious understatement.
Not only will this be the longest underwater pipeline in the world (2000 km), it will also be the deepest–and the seabed terrain is daunting in the extreme.
Also note the large, unlabeled country in light blue on the map above. That country is Turkey which can cause all kinds of problems for the project.
Nevertheless, the optimistic signers believe that the pipeline will be operational in 5 years, and will cost $8 billion dollars.
Maybe some of these people can pay for the pipeline . . .
According to an economics magazine, Tel Aviv now has the 6th largest number of millionaires per square mile of any city in the world.
First is Geneva, and second is Monaco–but Tel Aviv does beat out Singapore and Hong Kong.
Tel Aviv has 35,200 millionaires within its boundary of 20.08 square miles.
The Return of the Montefiore Windmill!
Any person who has ever looked at the Jerusalem skyline recognizes the Montefiore Windmill. Built between 1857-1858 by Moses Montefiore, the windmill was a way for Jews to not only generate income but also a way for them to escape their dependence on bread flour produced by Arab-owned mills in the vicinity.
And so it did.
For 18 short years. The windmill stopped operating in 1875 at full capacity and sputtered on to 1891 before closing down operation because of the advent of the steam engine in flour mills.
But the windmill remained standing, partly because of its 14 meter high stone walls and partly because of the romance associated with windmills–perhaps begun by Cervantes in Don Quixote in 1604.
In 1948, the British Army blew up the top of the windmill because it was being used as a Haganah observation post. The British termed their attack on the Windmill “Operation Don Quixote.” The top was later rebuilt.
Over the years the Montefiore Windmill became a major tourist attraction.
Now, however, the city of Jerusalem–led by two entrepreneurs wants to enlarge the scope of the Windmill.
How you may ask?
By returning it to its original use. The new plan is that in connection with Israel’s famed Volcani Institute, the Montefiore Windmill will once again grind grain.
But not just any grain.
The plan is to have the Windmill grind grain which was grown here thousands of years ago, disappeared, and is now being recovered by the scientists at the Volcani.
At the moment, there is not enough such grain to make it commercially feasible, but the first small batch of flour is coming out of the Windmill in a few weeks.
In the meantime, ever more tourists are flocking to the Windmill because of its being the home of the Jerusalem Wineries Visitors Center.

A little wine, some bread, and a bit of cheese at the Jerusalem Wineries Center–what more do you need?
Israelstreet suggests that you visit the Montefiore Windmill when you make your trip to Jerusalem, dear reader!