To Boldly Go Where No Israeli Has Gone Before!

11 Shevat 5779

17 January 2019


Picture of the Evening:

Midnight last night at the Kotel (Western Wall): snow falling.

Midnight last night at the Kotel (Western Wall): snow falling.


The News on the Israel Street

Palestinian terror in Judea and Samaria:

The road out of Hebron that leads to Tekoa is one of the most dangerous roads in Israel.

Road 60 out of Hebron (B) that leads to Tekoa (A) is one of the most dangerous roads in Israel. “Rock” and Molotov throwing takes place daily at or near each community along the way: Beit Einun, Halhul, Karmei Tzur, Beit Ummar, Al-Arub, and Efrat. This entire area all the way over to Ma’ale Amos is “Gush Etzion.”

Palestinian terrorists repeatedly attacked with “rocks” and Molotovs on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road, on the road between Hevron and Beit Ummar, at the Karmi Tzur Junction, at the Al-Khader Junction, and between the Al-Khader Junction and the north entrance to Efrat, at Deir Nizam near Neve Tzuf, and at numerous other places.

Speaking of those trying to destroy Israel . . .

There can be no further doubt about Jewish Voice for Peace. We have always known it was one of the most abominable organizations on the planet, but now we have it overtly out of their own mouths.

After years of claiming to support Israel, we now have this statement which has recently appeared on the JVP website:

“Jewish Voice for Peace is guided by a vision of justice, equality, and freedom for all people. We unequivocally oppose Zionism because it is counter to those ideals . . .  [Zionism] is a settler-colonial movement, establishing an apartheid state . . . Palestinian dispossession and occupation are by design. Zionism has meant profound trauma for generations, systematically separating Palestinians from their homes, land, and each other. Zionism, in practice, has resulted in massacres of Palestinian people . . .”

The simple facts are that JVP is guided by a vision of justice, equality, and freedom for all people except Israeli Jews. From the beginning of modern Israel and the establishment of two states by the United Nations, Zionists have sought to coexist peaceably with Arabs/Palestinians–a coexistence that has been rejected at every step by Palestinians. Zionism has not separated Palestinians from anything, and it certainly has not resulted in anything except a higher standard of living for Palestinians.

The latest polls . . .

The latest election poll is worrisome. According to the poll, if the election were held today, this is how many seats each party would have in the next Knesset:

On the right: Likud (Netanyahu) 32, New Right (Shaked and Bennett) 8, Bridge (Levy) 4

On the right but opposed to Netanyahu: Yisrael Beiteinyu (Liberman) 6

Center-left/right: Yes Atid (Lapid) 14, Resilience (Gantz) 13, Kulanu (Kahlon) 4

Left: Labor (Gabbai) 9, Meretz 5

Religious: United Torah Judaism 7, Shas 6

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Arab: Joint List 6, Tibi 6


(Parties on the right): Beit Yehudi, Identity, Yachad

(Party in the center left/right): Yaalon party

What can we conclude from this poll?

1. Obviously since 61 votes are needed to have a government, Likud and the right do not have enough seats–even if they are joined by the religious parties as in the current government.

2. Obviously, the center left/right parties are polling well and may well decide the next government.

3. If they want to have any chance of getting into the Knesset, the three parties on the right need to come together–and come together quickly.



To Boldly Go Where No Israeli Has Gone Before! 

It has been a big day today. Israel’s first spacecraft, Beresheet (Genesis) left Israel on its way to Cape Canaveral in Florida. It will be carried there on a cargo plane.

Beresheet is about the size of a washing machine.

Though it looks larger in the artist’s rendering above, Beresheet is about the size of a washing machine.

It is hoped that the unmanned Beresheet will be the first private spacecraft to ever land on the moon. The launch will take place in early February on a date determined by the weather.

Can you imagine that tiny Israel might be the first country to put a private spacecraft (owned by Space IL and Israel Aerospace Industries) on the moon?

It boggles the imagination.

But not that of those involved in the project (pictured below):


Israelstreet wishes Beresheet and all those involved in its journey the best of luck!

This entry was posted in News and tagged apartheid state, beresheet, cape canaveral, coexistence, florida, genesis, Israel, israel aircraft industries, jewish voice for peace, kotel, latest polls, likud, Netanyahu, palestinian terror, road 60, snow, spacecraft, spaceIL, unequivocally oppose Zionism, western wall. Bookmark the permalink.

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