19 Adar I 5779
24 February 2019
The News On The Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
It has been a typical weekend in Israel with such incidents as a thwarted stabbing attack at the Qalandiya Checkpoint, a “rock” and Molotov attack on a bus at Havat Yehuda, and another bus set on fire by Molotovs in the Jezreel Valley.
Meanwhile, along the Gaza Border, dozens of tires were burned, bombs were exploded, grenades were thrown, and incendiary balloons were launched.

Palestinian terrorists burning tires near the Gaza border fence last night in an effort to obscure attacks on our soldiers stationed along the fence.
The hammer is about to fall . . .
There is every indication that Attorney General Mandelblit will announce his decisions about PM Netanyahu in the coming week after Netanyahu returns from meeting with Putin in Moscow.
Though there has been much fake reportage about the various cases against Netanyahu over the last few years, it is beginning to look like:
**Mandelblit will recommend indicting Netanyahu in Case 1000 (the case about the cigars, champagne, etc).
**Mandelblit will not recommend indicting Netanyahu in Case 2000 (the case concerning the supposed bribery involving Yedioth Aharonot publisher Noni Mozes).
**Mandelblit will not recommend indicting Netanyahu in Case 3000 (the submarine case).
**Mandelblit will recommend indicting Netanyahu in Case 4000 (the case concerning favors for favorable news reportage involving Bezeq and Walla).
What will happen when Mandelblit recommends indictments? The next step will be a hearing on each case to determine if indictments will indeed be filed. This will take place at some point in the near future. How all of this will affect the election is yet to be known.
Genesis continues its journey to the moon . . .
Good news. After some initial navigational difficulty because of intense solar glare, Genesis’ main engine was successfully activated yesterday.
The action took place 69,400 km from Earth.
If all goes well, Genesis is supposed to land on the moon on April 11.
Gantz, Lapid And A Disastrous Return To Oslo
You will recall dear readers that your humble servant wrote concluded the israelstreet blog three days ago with these words:
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“Let’s hope that the Israeli public comes to its senses as it did in 2015 when polls had Herzog and Livni sweeping to victory, only to see them suffer a devastating defeat on election night. A Gantz-Lapid-Yaalon government would be a disaster for Israel because of its impact on Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria.”
We all know exactly what will happen if the Blue and White Party of Benny Gantz and Yair Lapid forms the next government. The reason we know is that three of the top five people in the party–Gantz, Moshe Ya’alon, and Gabi Ashkenazi–recently participated in the formation of “a strategic outline for Israel and Palestine” by the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS).
What that outline entails is nothing less than the unilateral withdrawal of Israel from the Jordan Valley, Judea and Samaria, and ultimately eastern Jerusalem–a unilateral withdrawal like what happened in the Sinai in the early 1980s, what happened in Areas A and B of Judea and Samaria in 1994, what happened in southern Lebanon in 2000, and what happened in Gaza in 2005.
Each one of those withdrawals had disastrous consequences.
Forget for a moment, the outrageous turnover of parts of Israel to the Palestinians, can you even begin to imagine what will happen if the government tries to kick almost a million Israelis out of their homes?
Your humble servant shudders to think.
The INSS plan created by Gantz, Ya’alon, Ashkenazi and others has as its primary goal the same primary goal of the Oslo Accords–namely the establishment of a two state solution, a two state solution that most Israelis now view as irresponsible and untenable.
One last thing: obviously, in the process of withdrawal, Israel would turn over security of the abandoned areas to the Palestinians. The plan calls for the IDF to be restationed on the “outer perimeter of Judea and Samaria.”
It should be noted that the outer perimeter” of Judea and Samaria consists of such places as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.