22 Adar I 5779
27 February 2019
The News On The Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
On the Gaza border:
A tweet from a resident on the Gaza border tonight–
“The terror of the noises through the evening: explosions are heard tonight in the northern Gaza Strip all the way to Sderot. IDF forces are deployed and ready for another evening of turbulent attacks.”
In eastern Jerusalem:
Border Policemen captured 24 terrorists overnight in eastern Jerusalem. They were involved in a multitude of terror acts including “rock” and Molotov throwing and incitement to violence on social media.
Election News, The Trump Peace Plan, The Gate Of Mercy, A New Summit!
Election news . . .
*A woman named Navarone Jacobs has come forward alleging egregious sexual misconduct on the part of Benny Gantz at a time when he was an adult and she was 14. In response, Gantz’s lawyers have sent Jacobs a letter attempting to silence her. She has responded that she will not be silent, and that other women will soon come forward.
*There is a full-blown effort being led by the left-wing parties Meretz and Blue and White (Gantz’s party) to have the Election Commission disqualify the Jewish Power Party (Otzma) from running in the election. For its part, Otzma issued a statement saying that Blue and White’s attempt to disqualify it indicate exactly how far left Blue and White is. In addition Otzma has filed a statement with the Election Commission attempting to disqualify two Israeli-Arab parties which it says incite terrorism against Israel.
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*Attorney General Mandelblit let it be known today that he is not going to release any of the evidence he has against PM Netanyahu prior to the elections. However, he did not comment on whether he plans to move forward with recommending an indictment and holding a hearing or hearings about his recommendations. According to news reports, Mandelblit will issue his recommendations tomorrow (Thursday) evening at 8 pm.
More news about the Trump Peace Plan . . .
In addition to major concessions that will be demanded of Israel, the Trump Plan apparently has as its centerpiece a huge economic investment in “Palestine”, Jordan, Egypt, and Lebanon.
The specific amounts discussed are $25 billion dollars for “Palestine” over the next ten years, and $40 billion for the countries mentioned above over the next decade.
Where this money would come from is unknown at present. If it is supposed to come from the U.S., one would have to believe that it would face major difficulties in getting approval from the U.S. Congress.
Further update on the Gate of Mercy crisis . . .
There is no doubt that Jordan and the Palestinians have established facts on the ground that will be difficult to undo.
Today, the Israeli police finally gathered up enough courage to enter the Gate of Mercy Compound–only because there was no one there.
You can be sure that as soon as the Muslims return to use the compound as a prayer place the police will disappear.
A new summit meeting yesterday . . .

Note the pelicans swimming in the foreground and–just visible between the pelicans–the whitish flamingos standing in the background.
This one between flamingos and pelicans at Hula. The flamingos are on their way to Turkey and Iran while the pelicans are headed toward the Black Sea and Danube River.
Which way would you rather go, dear reader?