When “Human Rights” Organizations Are Not Human Rights Organizations

15 Tammuz 5779

18 July 2019



The News on the Israeli Street

From Judea and Samaria:

On a day marked with fires all over Israel exacerbated by extreme heat, Palestinian terrorists took advantage of the situation to start even more fires with Molotovs.  Here is a photo of a corn field that terrorists set ablaze late yesterday at Rosh Tzurim in Samaria:

A scene becoming more and more common in Judea and Samaria.

A scene becoming more and more common in Judea and Samaria. Photo courtesy of hakolhayehudi.

Palestinian terrorists also used Molotovs and “rocks” to try to kill Israelis on several roads in Gush Etzion, between Na’aleh and the Postal Junction near Talmonim, at the Karmei Tzur Junction, in Hawara beside Einabus Square, between Anatot and Hizma, at Bani Na’im in the Hevron Hills, and at Halhul, among other places.

All of these attacks were reported by citizens on the ground to Rescue without Borders.

From the Gaza border:  

Obviously, the Molotov throwers setting fires in Judea and Samaria are following the example of the explosive balloon launchers in Gaza.

Yesterday saw more fires such as this one in the northern Negev:

A wheat field ablaze.

A wheat field ablaze in the northern Negev.

And this one at Nahal Gerer:

At Nahal Gerer.

At Nahal Gerer.

Meanwhile, the daily terrorist attempts to infiltrate Israel continue. At 11:31 pm last night, IDF soldiers captured a terrorist attempting to breach the border fence.

Barak unhinged . . .

If you ever want to see an example of a politician becoming completely unhinged, you should check out the news conference that former PM Ehud Barak held last night.

He was supposed to be explaining away the photos of him and 4 young women going into Jeffrey Epstein’s apartment (at separate times); however, he launched into a ballistic attack on PM Netanyahu accusing him of being responsible for the murder of Yitzhak Rabin. He went on to rant that Netanyahu is now living in “Rabin’s home.”

Next in the rant came an attack on the prime minister’s son, Yair, whom he termed a “parasite.” And on and on. Your humble servant happened to be watching the news conference with some folks who have supported Barak in the past–and even they were shaking their heads in amazement.

In any case, Yair Netanyahu responded this morning by simply pointing out that when Barak visited Epstein, whether in his apartment or on his island, he was always accompanied by an Israeli bodyguard paid for by Israeli taxpayers.

An end to the Mumbai massacre? . . .

Your humble servant and his wife were just in Rishon LeZion two nights ago watching the excellent movie Hotel Mumbai which details the brutal, cold, massacre of more than 170 people by Pakistani Islamists back in November 2008.

At the end of the movie, it was noted that 8 out of the 9 murderers were killed by Indian special forces, but that the mastermind of the attacks has never been brought to justice.

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Yesterday, President Trump announced that Hafiz Muhammad Said,  the head of the terrorist organization Shikar al-Taiba, has been captured after the U.S. put a $10 million bounty on his head.

It should be remembered that at least two of those murdered were Israelis. Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife Rivka, renowned for their kindness in Mumbai, were the Chabad representatives there. They were shot in the head.



When “Human Rights” Organizations Are Not Human Rights Organizations

Once again yesterday, we had the disgusting spectacle of former Israeli ambassadors attending a hearing of the Israel High Court of Justice in order to support a person who spends all of his time delegitimizing Israel.

We have already written about that person in a previous blog. Omar Shakir, an international Israeli-boycott activist has been in this country for several years now on a visa obtained by the self-proclaimed “human rights” group, Human Rights Watch.

There is no need to repeat here today just how abominable Human Rights Watch is except to say that the group believes that Israelis have no human rights. The Israeli government realizes this fact and is trying to deport Shakir. This attempt at deportation has gone on for more than a year now.

In defense of Shakir, this statement was read:

“The expulsion of Mr. Shakir will convey a message of intolerance and respect for the positions held by most of the liberal democratic states and will join a host of countries such as Egypt, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea that do not allow Human Rights Watch to operate, freely within their borders. The image of our state as a democratic state, which is one of its largest assets, will be severely and perhaps even critically damaged. “

The irony of this statement is inescapable.

Everyday, Mr. Shakir and Human Rights Watch “convey a message of intolerance and disrespect” for Israel, the most liberal democratic state in the Middle East–indeed, the only democratic state in the Middle East.

The outrageousness of this statement is also inescapable.

To compare Israel to Egypt, Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea is beyond absurd on any level. In none of those countries is there democracy, freedom of the press, recognition of gay rights, etc.

The idiocy of this statement is doubly inescapable.

To think that our reputation as a democratic state may be critically damaged by denying entrance to a person who wants to eliminate us is ridiculous. It will only damage our reputation among nations who also want to eliminate or delegitimize us.

Yesterday, U.S. representative Ilhan Omar introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives supporting the Boycott, Divest, and Sanction Movement against Israel–an organization that she undoubtedly believes is a “human-rights” organization.

Omar then announced that she is coming to Israel . . . and to the “West Bank.” 

If Israel lets Omar into the country, it can only mean that we have lost all self-respect and dignity.

Anyone can call any organization a “human rights” organization. The simple fact, however, is that most of those “human rights” organizations are not. The appellations “a human rights organization” and “a human rights activist” usually mean the opposite in today’s upside-down world.


This entry was posted in News and tagged at Bani Na’im in the Hevron Hills, at the Karmei Tzur Junction, Barak, BDS, between Anatot and Hizma, between Na’aleh and the Postal Junction near Talmonim, bounty, chabad, fires, Hafiz Muhammad Said, hotel mumbai, human rights watch, Ilhan Omar, in Hawara beside Einabus Square, Israel High Court of Justice, mumbai massacre, murderer of yitzhak rabin, november 2008, omar shakir, Palestinian, president trump, Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, Shikar al-Taiba, terrorists, unhinged, wife Rivka. Bookmark the permalink.

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