17 Elul 5780
6 September 2020
Photos of the Early Morning
What follows are three photographs that your humble servant took from our balcony in Eilat at about 6 am this morning:
At the left margin, you can see the tip of northern Saudi Arabia.
The second photo:

Looking left toward Aqaba Jordan (not visible in the haze) in front of the mountains, just a few hundred meters down the beach. The sun was just coming up over those mountains.
One last photo looking down the promenade and toward the city of Eilat:
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with “rocks” and Molotovs at Psagot, on Road 60 near Shiloh (Israeli wounded), on Road 465, at numerous places throughout Gush Etzion such as Tekoa and Al-Aruv.
Palestinian terrorists in Gaza launched dozens of explosive balloons yesterday, some of which exploded in the air above populated areas and others which exploded on the ground igniting fires.
So much for the truce that never was.
Eilat Day 4: Israel Passes The 1000 Dead Mark
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update as of 8 am this morning . . .
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There are 128,936 confirmed cases—an increase of 2,517 since this time yesterday
101,481 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 1,124
426 are in critical condition—an increase of 10
128 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 5
1007 have died–an increase of 14
There are 27,455 active cases.
Israel has passed the 1000 dead mark, but with more than 400 critically ill that mark will quickly be replaced by ever-mounting numbers.
An interesting new website you can visit is www.ramzor.live. At this website, you can put your mouse cursor over a place and click it to see whether it is green (good), yellow (less good), orange (not good), red (lockdown).
Here are two screen shots I just took from the site:
You can see how my home city of Ashdod as well as Jerusalem are orange while pockets or red are around Jerusalem, Beersheva, and Tel Aviv.
As to where we are right now in Eilat:
Eilat is green despite the herd insanity we noted yesterday. It must be remembered that all of the young people walking around here adhering to no restrictions whatsover will go back to their home cities and towns and spread the virus.