26 Tishrei 5781
14 October 2020
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
There are 296,652 confirmed cases—an increase of 2,621
245,811 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 7,130
807 are in critical condition—a decrease of 15
240 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 3
2,055 have died–an increase of 34
There are now 50,841 active Corona cases in Israel.
The Corona Cabinet decided yesterday that the closure will be extended until Sunday night because the goal of fewer than 2000 newly confirmed cases has not been reached. This number has not been reached despite the greatly reduced number of people being tested especially in the hardest hit areas of Jerusalem and Bnei Brak.
Palestinian terror in Judea and Samaria:
Palestinian terrorists wounded two IDF soldiers in the Palestinian settlement of Balata (near Shechem) last night. The soldiers were hit with shrapnel from an IED explosion. They are in “serious” condition in a hospital today.
Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis at more than two dozen locations such as the large Yitzhar Junction, Hawara, Al-Bira, Mevo Dotan, Beit Omar, and Einav.
Palestinian desecration . . .
A self-identified Palestinian from eastern Jerusalem was arrested this morning for “religious insult” after he and an yet unidentified friend ran on Jewish graves on the Mt. of Olives and then uploaded the video to Tiktok. You can see the 12 second video here.
Turmoil with the Netanyahu indictments . . .
Israel is abuzz today about a taped conversation between Attorney General Mandelblit and former State Attorney Shai Nissan which suggests that Mandelblit would have never indicted Netanyahu in Cases 1000, 2000, and 4,000 without the pressure exerted on him by Nissam.
Coalition chairman Miki Zohar commented: “If the ombudsman does not cancel the indictments against Netanyahu, there will be an earthquake here . . . “Everything has already been clarified and I tell you that this is just a small thing, if Mandelblit does not resign and cancel the indictments, we will reveal more things.”
Do any of you dear readers really think that Mandelblit will resign or that the Netanyahu indictments will be dropped?
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An Intriguing Anecdote About The Hunt for the Ark of the Covenant
*The information in Today’s Blog is primarily taken from an article that appeared today on makorrishon.co.il

The plague in the Tunnel section that runs along the underground section of the Western Wall. Warren’s Gate was an entry point to the Temple Mount–but no longer. Note the history on the plaque.
The story centers on Rabbi Meir Yehuda Getz, Rabbi of the Western Wall and Rabbi of Rosh Yeshiva of the Kabbalists of Beit El.
In 1981, Rabbi Getz was informed that a hole or “gap” had suddenly appeared in the underground section of the Western Wall at the Warren Gate.
Excitedly (according his daughter), he immediately rushed to the spot hoping to fulfill his lifelong dream of finding the Ark of the Covenant and hastening the return of the Moshiach:
He knew that the gap had opened into the “Gatehouse” area under the Temple Mount which had been the location of the main synagogue of Jews during the early Islamic period–and had remained so until the arrival of the Crusaders who massacred the Jews they found there and turned the “Gatehouse” into a cistern.
Rabbi Getz arrived at the gap with at least a dozen “diggers” who began to explore and excavate. It was not long until the Islamic Wakf got wind of what was going on, opened a “lid” over the hole, and spotted the digging going on:
With the acquiescence of the Israeli government, the Wakf ordered the hole sealed with tons of concrete and ordered the “Gatehouse” sealed from the outside and above.
And just like that, Rabbi Getz’s dream of finding the Ark was brought to an end–and he died years later still disappointed.
All of which begs the question of whether Rabbi Getz was on to something or not? Is it possible that the Ark of the Covenant still rests under the Har HaBeit (The Temple Mount)?
Addendum: The story of Rabbi Getz is told in a new documentary movie “The Hidden Rabbi.”