5 Cheshvan
23 October 2020
The Totally Accurate Quote of the Day
“Red sirens in Ashkelon. Once again, my little daughter has to run to the emergency room in a panic. How much money will Netanyahu transfer to Hamas tomorrow? We have a government of chickens.”
Alex Kushnir, resident of Ashkelon and Knesset member
That is exactly what we have. A government of chickens. A government of chickens that continues to facilitate the payment of blackmail money to the very people who are trying to kill us.
Click on this short video to see the missile intercepts over Ashkelon last night.
Read Today’s Blog below for more information about what happened in the last 24 hours in southern Israel.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
There are 308,247 confirmed cases—an increase of 912
288,337 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 2,864
582 are in critical condition—a decrease of 14
226 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 6
2,319 have died–an increase of 28
There are now 19,910 active Corona cases in Israel
As we noted yesterday, because of greatly reduced testing, the number of newly confirmed cases has dropped dramatically. The hospital numbers (critical condition and ventilators) continue to incrementally decrease. However, the number of dead remains fairly steady.
What’s going on with the IDF? . . .
As we have noted in numerous blogs, the IDF has become an increasingly passive force beset by political correctness.
Yesterday, we got a clear look at one of the reasons why.
It turns out that the IDF is spending tens of millions of shekels year sending IDF officers on junkets around the world.
How many?
Last year alone, the IDF sent 5,979 IDF officers on 2,741 excursions abroad.
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2,741 trips.
This is more than 7 trips per day.
Extraordinarily expensive junkets that require first class hotel accommodations, kosher food, cars/drivers, and more.
Virtually all of these trips were to Europe and the United States and undoubtedly some of them were important for Israel’s security such as visits to aircraft industries. Others clearly are not such as training missions with the Polish military or international military chef competitions.
More than this, one cannot help but wonder how many of these trips were to seminars, conferences, and other meetings organized by self-described “human rights organizations” and ultra-left wing EU committees.
More than this, one wonders why any trips are necessary in the age of Skype, WhatsApp, and Zoom?
A Government Of Chickens

The areas that Palestinian terrorists in Gaza were shooting at last night. Our house is located just to the north of the red area at the top of the map. Because we are only about 5 km away from the northernmost target zone, we could hear the incoming missile sirens coming from that area. Apparently, at least 4 missiles were fired ant 2 were intercepted.
It has been a busy 24 hours here in Ashdod.
It all began around noon yesterday when our house here in far south Ashdod was rocked by loud concussive explosions. In every way, these blasts were similar to the explosions we experienced during the war back in 2014 when missiles struck the dunes between our house and the sea–or blew up in the sea itself.
There was no reportage about these explosions yesterday. No mention was made by the IDF spokesman or anyone else.
Then one hour later, there were more concussive blasts in the same area. Again, there was no reportage.
After those, all remained quiet until 10:22 pm last night when we suddenly heard blaring sirens emanating from just south of us in northern Ashkelon. Shortly thereafter, we heard the Iron Dome batteries positioned less than 1 km from our house go into action firing at least 4 missile interceptors.
This was followed by more explosions.
Then all was quiet again until a few hours later when at about midnight drones buzzed our house. And buzzed. And buzzed, apparently going back and forth between Ashdod-Ashkelon-Gaza.
The sound of the drones began to be interspersed with the sounds of jets overhead and helicopters.
This went on all night.
Until this morning when all was quiet again until about 7:30 am when more booms sounding like naval cannon fire came from the sea.
So what was the IDF response to this assault on our sovereignty and attack on our men, women, and children?
According to the IDF spokesman, “a weapons manufacturing site” and “underground infrastructure” was attacked. No terrorists were wounded or killed. In other words, it was the same old same old: the IDF did nothing.
The simple fact is that PM Netanyahu, “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz, and IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi just don’t care about southern Israel. They are all perfectly willing to let terrorists in Gaza fire missiles at our citizens with total impunity. What concern is it of theirs that thousands of more children will have PTSD because of last night?
We have a government of pathetic chickens.