12 Cheshvan
30 October 2020
Asinine Quote of the Day
“[White supremacists] don’t just hate Jews. They hate the idea of multiracial democracy. They hate the idea of political equality. They hate immigrants, people of color, LGBTQ people, women and anyone else who stands in the way of their bigotry and racist ideology. All over the world — in Russia, in India, in Brazil, in Hungary, in Israel and elsewhere — we see this rise of a divisive and destructive form of politics. We see intolerant authoritarian political leaders attacking the very foundations of democratic societies.”
Bernie Sanders, in a speech yesterday at the Tree of Life Memorial in Pittsburgh
So now we have Bernie Sanders, a likely member of Joe Biden’s cabinet if Biden is elected, accusing the leaders of Israel (among others) of “bigotry and racist ideology.” If we are to believe Sanders, the leaders of Israel hate women, LGBTQ people, people of color, immigrants and “anyone else who stands in their way.”
What a sad commentary on Bernie Sanders and his self-proclaimed “progressive movement” in the U.S.
Here we have Israel which . . .
–welcomes new immigrants to the country everyday such as the 200+ who arrived from the Ukraine last week
–is in the process of flying some 2000 more black Ethiopian Jews to Israel at this moment
–is the only safe place for LGBTQ people in the Middle East
–has always valued women as equal partners in the Zionist enterprise
. . . being condemned by the eternally asinine Bernie Sanders.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
It was another night of terror on the roads of Judea and Samaria with dozens of “rock” and Molotov attacks.
Click here to watch Palestinian terrorists attacking an Israeli bus and cars with Molotovs on the road between Karnei Shomron and Azzun. By the way, this video was posted on youtube by the terrorists.
Other attacks took place at such places at Road 446 near Netof, Luban A-Sharqiya, Abud, the small Yakir Junction, and at the Eyal Crossing. Here is a photo of a bus that was hit with “a rock” last night:

What size “rock” do you think did this damage? Could you have controlled the bus if you had been the driver?
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am-8 am):
There are 313,114 confirmed cases—an increase of 997
299,439 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 1,558
440 are in critical condition—a decrease of 31
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191 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 8
2,508 have died–an increase of 14
There are now 13,675 active Corona cases in Israel.
New info from the Corona cabinet last night (all subject to change as we all know) . . .
*Synagogues will be able to open on Sunday with a 10 person inside/20 person outside restriction.
*Bed and breakfast accommodations (known in Israel as zimmers) will also be able to open on Sunday.
*Barber shops and hair salons will reopen on Sunday.
*Finally, subject to capsule restrictions, students in grades 1-4 will go back to school on Sunday.
Still unable to open are “street shops”, malls, cinemas, and restaurants for “sit down inside” customers.
On the economic front, bad news . . .
Not surprisingly considering the lockdown, the unemployment ticked back up in September to 14.6% with the hardest hit age sectors being those under 25 and those over 60.
In total there were 609,500 people unemployed at the end of the month–a jump of of 118,000 from August.
Exports also dropped with Israel high-tech services only registering a 0.1% increase.
Also not surprisingly . . .
The PLO rushed to the microphones yesterday to condemn the decision by the U.S. to allow Israeli-Americans to list their birthplace as Jerusalem, Israel.
What we didn’t mention yesterday was that the decision yesterday by the State Department specifically notes that if someone wants to list his or her birthplace as “Jerusalem” without mentioning Israel, they can do so.
But that choice doesn’t matter to the Palestinians who never miss an opportunity to mindlessly condemn anyone or anything in sight.
A Day Of Rage For the Prophet Muhammad
As you know from yesterday’s blog, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem was absurdly closed to all Jews yesterday because of it being Muhammad’s birthday.
The Palestinian head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Israel and a preacher at the Al-Aksa Mosque took the occasion to harangue for a day of rage today centered at the Mosque protesting “illustrations that harm the Prophet Muhammad.”
This of course refers to the events in France where another three people were stabbed to death (and one of whom was decapitated) in a church in Nice by a Muslim. The terrorist was following the example of the Muslim murderer who decapitated a teacher who showed the Muhammad illustrations from Charlie Hebdo in his class several weeks ago.
Can someone please explain to your humble servant why “progressives” and “human rights” activists around the world all clamor for the world to support Palestinians and the followers of a religion that are so intolerant of human rights such as freedom of speech?
The PLO can lock up gay people and Hamas can throw them off rooftops, and Palestinian religious leaders can extol and encourage the murders of people practicing free speech–and still the idiots of the world flock to support them.
Unbelievably sickening.