19 Cheshvan 5781
November 6, 2020
Photo of the Morning

Sunrise over Tel Aviv this morning after several days of often torrential rain (photographer unknown)..
Here in Ashdod we remain flooded in several districts, and after a brief interlude of sunshine, it is raining again.
Nauseating Quote of the Day
“It is a great honor for Muslims that a young Muslim beheaded an infidel and defended the name of the Prophet Muhammad.”
Palestinian Sheikh Issam Amira, an imam at the al-Aqsa Mosque, referring yesterday during his weekly Koran lesson to the beheading of 47-year-old French middle school teacher Samuel Paty.
It is simply incomprehensible that the world does not condemn people like Amira. It is also incomprehensible how the world, soon to be led by Joe Biden, expects Israel to embrace the Palestinians.
The News On The Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
A Palestinian terrorist armed with hand grenades, a knife, and fuel to make an IED was shot as he tried to cross the security fence east of Rafah.
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today:
There are 317,916 confirmed cases—an increase of 594
306,151 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 825
331 are in critical condition—a decrease of 37
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156 the most critically ill are on ventilators—no change
2,639 have died–an increase of 42
There are now 11,765 active Corona cases in Israel.
Again as the number of Israelis who are critically ill decreased in number, the number who died yesterday jumped.
In fact, overall morbidity is beginning to creep back upward as businesses and schools open–even in limited form with restrictions.
A Palestinian settlement razed? . . .
In what can be described as a shocking action, the illegal Palestinian Bedouin settlement Khirbet Homsa Al-Fuqa was razed on Tuesday. The settlement was located in the northeastern Jordan Valley.
Six bulldozers from the Civil Administration usually reserved for destroying Jewish communities in Area C leveled 18 tents and prefab structures that were supposedly home to some 87 people belonging to eleven families.
In addition, warehouses, sheep pens, water tanks, and solar panels were eliminated.
The question is why can’t the Civil Administration take similar action against Khan Al-Ahmar which was ordered destroyed by the Israel Supreme Court years ago?
Let The Vacations Begin
If you ask the average Israeli what the benefit of the agreement is with the UAE, he or she will unhesitatingly answer “We can now go on vacation to Dubai.”
No one outside of Judea and Samaria cares about how the agreement stalled if not permanently nixed the sovereignty movement, and entered Israel into another land for peace deal. Or how the agreement has set off an Emirati property buying spree in Israel.
Instead, Israelis are obsessed with travel, and this morning Emirates Airlines announced that their Boeing 777s will begin flying the Abu Dhabi-Tel Aviv route in December.
This comes on the heels of smaller, less luxurious airlines “Play Dubai”, Israir, and Arkia making similar announcements this past week.
It should be pointed out to travel-hungry Israelis that they still cannot travel to the UAE on an Israeli passport–a situation expected to change in the coming month.