Monday, Yom Sheni
22 Cheshvan 5781
November 9, 2020
The News On The Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today:
There are 319,241 confirmed cases—an increase of 292
308,563 of these confirmed cases have recovered—an increase of 1,120
330 are in critical condition—an increase of 5
143 the most critically ill are on ventilators—no change
2,674 have died–an increase of 10
There are now 10,678 active Corona cases in Israel.
Is lockdown number 3 around the corner? Just as we seem to be emerging from lockdown 2 as evidenced by the above numbers, it is being reported that the coefficient of morbidity has inched back up to 0.93–with 1 being the magic number to cause lockdown 3.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

This photo was taken just before the terrorist charged toward the solder yelling Allahu Akbar! The photo is from the IDF which has blocked out material in the photo for security reasons.
The second attempted stabbing in 4 days: the one yesterday (photo above) took place near the Palestinian settlement of Al-Fawwar near Hevron. The terrorist was a veteran schoolteacher and father or three with no apparent terrorist affiliations.
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A major Palestinian ring attempting to smuggle drugs into Israel across the Sinai border with Egypt was thwarted by a group of Caracal Soldiers:
Desperate to shop . . .
Your humble servant and his wife had occasion this morning to travel across our home city to purchase some construction materials on the other side of town.
Along the way, we passed around and through a number of malls which have been locked down.
The malls were packed–with long lines at many as people waited to get in to particular stores. Security guards were struggling to adhere to Corona guidelines which only allow a certain number of people in the store at one time.
Israel is a consumer-driven society, and people are anxious to start spending again in person.
One Major Step For The Environment

The shoreline of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee) after a recent Passover holiday. 275 tons of garbage were eventually picked up (photo: Haaretz)..
If you have never been to an Israeli park, beach, or nature reserve, you might be surprised to know that there is a major litter problem here.
In fact, “major” is an understatement. Tons of trash are dumped each year on the shores of the Kineret (Sea of Galilee), along river banks, and simply out in nature. The beach in front of our house must be tractored every day to pick up the trash that was left the day before.
Israelis, to put it mildly, are completely uneducated when it comes to the importance of maintaining sensitive environments and picking up after themselves. Garbage is regularly left in parks and anywhere else that a person happens to be sitting.
In this context comes the great news that the Upper Galilee Regional Council will no longer permit any plastic or glass eating utensils or holders. All of the rivers and parks in the Council are included in the order. These areas include such popular sites as the Jordan River, Banias, and the Dan Area.
In making the order, Environmental Minister Gila Gamliel reiterated that her department will be spending almost 11 million shekels this year to clean the environment.
Perhaps some of that money should be used to start an environmental educational campaign targeting the youth of the country because they are certainly not being educated by their parents.
Kolakevod to Minister Gamliel!