Sunday, Yom Rishon
27 Cheshvan 5781
November 15, 2020
Photo of the Night

A brilliant lightning strike over Tel Aviv last night–we literally had hundreds like this in front of us in Ashdod after midnight last night.
The News on the Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 48 hours (from 8 am Friday until 8 am today):
There are 323,339 confirmed cases—an increase of 1,180
311,502 of these confirmed cases have recovered—[no new statistics available at this time]
295 are in critical condition—a decrease of 5
124 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 9
2,721 have died–an increase of 15
The interesting detail about the number of newly confirmed cases is that because so few people are being tested, even a relatively small number of confirmed cases has caused the morbidity rate to rise to over 2%. This is over the 1% that the Health Ministry would necessitate another lockdown.
Real news or fake news? . . .
The New York Times which has become the most reliable source for unreliable information reported several days ago that Mossad agents assassinated Al-Qaeda’s number 2 terrorist, Abu Mohammed Al-Masri on the streets of Tehran in August.
Al-Masri’s daughter Maryam, who was an Al-Qaeda leader, was also killed.
According to the report, the action was taken at the request of the U.S. which provided the intelligence information to Israel.
A Wild Night Here In Ashdod:
Southern and Central Israel Hit In Missile Attacks
We had every expectation that two things would happen last night.
First, thanks to the hourly weather report on, we could see that major thunderstorms would hit our area at midnight and continue through the night.
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Second, thanks to daily warnings from Palestinian Islamic Jihad, we knew that Ashdod would be targeted by missiles.
Both happened.
At almost precisely midnight, the first spectacular flashes of lightning spread over the Mediterranean as the storm began to roll in. Thunder boomed and we were hit by a torrent of rain. This lightning, thunder, and rain was intensifying at 2:07 am when . . .
Incoming missile alarms screeched for the northern part of the city known as the industrial area–home to the port of Ashdod, oil refineries, the desalination plant, and other entities.
Because of the intense thunderstorm taking place, we did not hear the missile sirens here in south Ashdod. Not only was Ashdod targeted but also Ashkelon and Palmachim were in the crosshairs. Ashkelon has a major refinery, and Palmachim is home to a large IDF helicopter base. Missiles also hit the Gan Yavne Junction outside of Ashdod as well as the Bat Yam-Holon area just south of Tel Aviv:
Click here to see missile interception between Rishon LeZion and Holon.
We still do not know this morning how many missiles were fired or how many were intercepted. Apparently at least six were fired, and 1 or 2 were brought down by the Iron Dome.
So what is there to say about the events of the night?
About the weather, there is nothing to say: we battened down the hatches and were ready for the storm.
About the missiles, our government and the IDF knew that the missiles were going to be fired and knew who was going to fire them, but they did nothing to stop the attack.
Nothing, nada, zilch.
And after the attack, what is the reaction this morning–especially after Israel threatened Islamic Jihad last week that there would be a “harsh response” if it fired missiles?
Read this garbled idiocy from Finance Minister Israel Katz: “We need to hold a discussion on the civilian and security aspects regarding everything that is happening in Gaza and economic potential. There must be deterrents.”
Tens of thousands of Israelis are sent running to bomb shelters in the middle of the night for the hundredth time, and Katz wants to talk about civilian and security aspects? What kind of nonsense is this . . . and what’s more he wants to talk about the economic potential of Gaza.
And deterrents? Israel has no deterrent because Israel refuses to act proactively.
And what is PM Netanyahu doing on the morning after the missile attack?
Sitting on the beach in front of his home in Caesarea:

No missiles in Caesarea. Bibi enjoys this morning on the beach. All he needs is a fiddle in his hands.
By the way, the thunderstorms continued through the night stopping around 6 am this morning giving away to heavy rain and finally . . . :