Monday, Yom Shni
28 Cheshvan 5781
November 16, 2020
The Photo of the Day

A scene from the Himalayas? No. It’s a photo taken this morning of the first snowfall of the winter on Mt. Hermon
The Sadly Pathetic Quote of the Day
“We will not accept any attacks against the state of Israel and the citizens of Israel. I warn terrorist organizations in Gaza, even during the Corona crisis–do not try us. I never list our operational plans, but I tell them, the price of continued aggression will be very heavy.”
PM Netanyahu speaking yesterday after the missile attacks on Ashdod and Bat Yam/Holon
Nothing but hollow pathetic bluster.
Do not try us? They did successfully try us.
We will not accept any attacks on Israel or Israelis? We did accept them.
The price of continued aggression will be very high? There was no price at all. We couldn’t even shoot down their incoming missiles.
See more about this in today’s blog.
The News on the Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):
There are 323,741 confirmed cases—an increase of 402
304 are in critical condition—an increase of 9
133 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 9
2,732 have died–an increase of 11
There are currently 7,629 active Corona cases in Israel.
Please note that the Health Ministry has ceased giving out “the number of recovered” perhaps because it never coincided with the number of active cases. In any case, the numbers this morning remain fairly stable.
In sad memoriam . . .
It seems like only yesterday when two of our finest Border Police Officers were murdered while on duty near the Nablus and Damascus Gates in the Old City of Jerusalem.
19-year-old Hadar Cohen was murdered on February 3, 2016 when she was shot by three Palestinian terrorists who assaulted the Damascus Gate with machine guns, knives, and IEDs.
23-year-old Hadas Malka was stabbed to death on June 16, 2017 by three Palestinian terrorists as she attempted to open fire and stop their attack on fellow Border Guards.
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Hadar and Hadas were memorialized yesterday by having a street and plaza area named after them near the Nablus Gate:
Hadar’s father, Ofer Cohen, had this to say at the ceremony yesterday: “This decision is extremely important in that it is a message and a statement to society in general and to children in particular regarding worthy values. It does not comfort us but leaves us with a great deal of pride. Over the years millions will pass by, and they will hear and learn and be educated about their heroism.”
The disaster in the Judicial Selection Committee yesterday . . .
When PM Netanyahu agreed to the Coalition Government, he inexplicably turned over control of the Justice Ministry and its Judicial Selection Committee to Blue and White.
Yesterday, we saw the disastrous results of this concession.
Eleven new Justices were chosen for district courts. Every conservative nomination for a court was roundly defeated.
All eleven judges are well known leftists who will do everything in their power to reverse the conservative reforms begun by former Justice Minister Ayalet Shaked.
In an incredibly disingenuous tweet last night, Likud member of the committee Miri Regev–who failed miserably yesterday–wrote this: “My first meeting of the Judicial Selection Committee ended tonight with important achievements for the public.”
The only important achievement were for the Israeli “left.”
“Looking For Excuses In All The Wrong Places . . .”
” . . . telling those sweet lies and losing again
I was lookin’ for love in all the wrong places.”
Johnny Lee “Lookin’ for For Love” (1980 Country Western song)
Lies. Lies, And more lies.
By anyone’s definition, the IDF response to the missile attack two nights ago was an utterly embarrassing disaster.
Islamic Jihad had announced in advance that it would fire missiles at southern Israel.
Extra Iron Dome batteries had been brought in to intercept the missiles.
The missiles were fired–not only at southern Israel but also at the Tel Aviv area of central Israel.
The Iron Dome interceptors missed all of the incoming missiles.
Here we sit, two days later, and the IDF still cannot tell us how many missiles were fired or even where they hit (though one missile obviously exploded on the Bat Yam Promenade and another missile explosion started a fire at the Gan Yavne Junction.
And all we have heard from the IDF are excuses–-not about the fact that the incoming missiles were missed—but about the fact that they the IDF did nothing in response.
First, the IDF said that the launching was “an accident”. Then the IDF spokesman said “The launching was caused by a lightning strike” (hence the cartoon above). They the spokesman said “The launching was probably caused by water leaking into the hydraulic launch system and shorting out a circuit which caused an accidental firing.”
Here’s the bottom line.
The missile firing was no accident and it wasn’t caused by lighting or a short circuit. Every new excuse just makes the IDF General Command look more like incompetent buffoons.