Wednesday, Yom Reva’i
2 Kislev 5781
November 18, 2020
The Photo of the Day

What is happening–and where is it happening? Note the man in the IDF jacket in handcuffs, and the policeman in black uniform pointing at where he should go.
Here we are on the 2nd of Kislev, the month of Chanukah—the holiday we celebrate because of the Maccabees retaking the Temple Mount and ridding it of the infidel idolaters.
Taken yesterday, the photo above shows a handcuffed Jew being arrested by an Israeli policeman working in concert with the Islamic Wakf on the Temple Mount.
Why was he being arrested?
Because he bowed toward the holiest place in Judaism, the Foundation Stone which is located under the Kipat HaSela (aka the Dome of the Rock).
Yes, you read that correctly. Because he bowed toward our holiest of places.
The situation today is the same as it was 2,188 years ago in 168 BCE, the year before the Maccabees took control of Judea. Now the Islamic Wakf supported by the Israel police has control of the administration of the Mount, and Jews cannot pray or even bow there.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF soldiers in a drive-by shooting between Na’ala and Talmon. The terrorists escaped; no soldiers were wounded.
Palestinian terrorists attacked Border Policemen in Akev. One policeman was hit in the face by a “rock” and badly wounded. He is currently being treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.
Palestinian terrorists unsuccessfully attempted to infiltrate the security fence at Psagot by blowing up IEDs.
Palestinian terrorists using Molotovs and “rocks” attacked Israeli motorists at Luban A-Sharqiya, Tekoa, the Halhul Junction, between Itamar and Elon Moreh, Shiloh, Karmei Tzur, and numerous other places.
The above reports are taken from residents on the ground reporting to rotter and hakolhayehudi.
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):
There are 325,537 confirmed cases—an increase of 782
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317 are in critical condition—a decrease of 9
124 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 16
2,736 have died–an increase of 1
There are currently 8,150 active Corona cases in Israel.
Wow! Only 1 fatality from Corona yesterday. Only 1 is too many, but it is a dramatic drop in the number of daily dead.
Response to the IED bomb on the Syrian border . . .
It is amazing to your humble servant how the IDF will respond to terror along the Golan Border Fence. Yesterday, IDF fire killed 3 Syrian soldiers after discovering an IED explosive planted on the southern Golan.
The reason I find it amazing is that terrorists in Gaza can shoot missiles at the citizens of southern Israel with virtual impunity, yet if anything happens on the Syrian or Lebanese border, the IDF rushes to react.
Another Gulf airline comes to Israel . . .
Following in the footsteps of Emirates Airlines which will being thrice weekly flights from the UAE to Tel Aviv in January, Etihad Airlines announced that it will begin daily flights to Israel on March 28 next year.
Muhammad al-Buluki, CEO of Etihad Group, issued this statement: “Following the signing of the new bilateral agreement between the two countries, we are pleased to announce a direct line between the important cities of Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv. The start of scheduled flights is a historic moment for trade and tourism–not only between the two countries but also in the region and beyond.”
In fact, Etihad is already selling tickets which cost For example, a flight in a classic economy class will cost $409 for a round trip ticket.
Pray for the Pollards
The above announcement from Youth for Pollard is self-explanatory. It reads that there is a national prayer day beginning tonight (the beginning of Thursday is at sunset):
Friday will end 5 days of severe restrictions on our beloved Jonathan Pollard and our beloved Esther Pollard who has had to deal with the cancer that attacked her.
Now there is a chance that they will immigrate to Israel, but contrary to reports, this is not guaranteed at all. They need a lot of prayers!
This coming Thursday we will unite the whole house of Israel, one by one, in prayer and supplication for the salvation and complete healing of our dear Jonathan and Esther.
“And the redeemed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion.”
Dear readers, let us indeed pray that the U.S. government will decide not to extend the draconian restrictions on Jonathan Pollard and that he and his wife will be free to come to Israel as of tomorrow.