Yom Rishon, Sunday
13 Kislev 5781
November 29, 2020
Photos and Quote of the Day
“He wanted to die a martyr’s death, and his wish came true.”
The widow of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh speaking yesterday.
No, he didn’t die a martyr’s death. He was shot and killed in the road like the terrorist dog he was:
The News on the Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):
334,789 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March
There were 987 newly confirmed cases yesterday.
272 are in critical condition—a decrease of 6
99 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 7
2,854 have died–an increase of 15
There are currently 9,923 active Corona cases in Israel.
Particularly worrisome is how rapidly the number of active cases is increasing–a number that will accelerate in the coming days as 400,000 high school students return to class today.
Just as quickly as they were opened, hotels in the Dead Sea are already having to backtrack after 10 workers at the Isrotel Dead Sea tested positive for Corona yesterday.
Also, the opening of malls is being rethought after video emerged yesterday showing virtually no shopper who crowded in yesterday adhered to any Corona restrictions.
Remember how . . .
. . . the Health Department in Gaza was crowing about how there were few Corona cases? The low number was attributed to all sorts of nonsensical reasons ranging from the diet of Palestinians to intervention by Allah.
Corona is now surging. As of this morning, there are 8,536 active cases with 109 of those critically ill.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists targeting Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs have attacked numerous vehicles in the A-Zaim area in recent hours.
Other sites of terror include roads in Gush Etzion, roads in the Kiryat Arba area, Hevron, Luban A-Sharqiya, and the area around the Tapuach Junction.
Why is Hezbollah really in Syria? . . .
The terror organization has lost hundreds of fighters in the Syrian quagmire and in the process has become increasingly unpopular in Lebanon.
One reason Hezbollah is there is obviously because their patron Iran has ordered them to provide soldiers.
But another reason has become obvious in recent weeks.
We all know that Hezbollah finances its worldwide terror network through the sale of drugs–not just drugs grown and produced in Lebanon but also produced in such far flung places as Colombia and Afghanistan.
We can now definitively add Syria to that list:

A shipping container chock full of Hezbollah hashish and Captigon pills captured by Italian Police last week upon arrival from the Syrian port of Latakia.
A similar Hezbollah shipment captured by Romanian police yesterday from the same Syrian port:
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Israel’s Coalition Government: Comedy Central
A few days ago we wrote that it was beginning to appear that our so-called Coalition government was about to collapse. I mentioned at the time that I was reticent to report this because of the ludicrous nature of Israeli politics in which every politician plays brinksmanship to the hilt.
Well, I was indeed premature in reporting the possible collapse.
This morning comes news that a “compromise” has been reached on the 2021 budget–a budget that had to be approved by December 23 in order to keep the current government alive.
What is the compromise?
The budget outline will be approved on schedule, but only a certain % of its components will actually be approved.
Got that piece of absurdity?
It will be approved but not approved.
In this way, both sides “win.” Benny Gantz gets to say that the budget was approved on time, and PM Netanyahu leaves open the option for March elections.
What a farce Israeli politics has become.