Yom Reva’e, Wednesday
16 Kislev 5781
December 2, 2020
Photo of the Day

Weapons and ammunition found in one eastern Jerusalem apartment yesterday. Note the M16 with the telescopic scope.
What is remarkable about the above photo is that it is unremarkable. The amount of weapons in the hands of Palestinians is almost incomprehensible. Your humble servant has heard IDF officers describe the situation at checkpoints where when Palestinians see that they are about to be checked, they suddenly toss all of their knives, IEDs, and other “items” on the ground.
Speaking of terrorism in Jerusalem, a number of fires broke out last night after Jewish homes in the Mt. of Olives and A-Tor neighborhoods were firebombed with Molotovs. Firefighters and police worked hours to extinguish the blazes. As usual, the perpetrators escaped.
The News on the Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am today):
338,127 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.
There were 1,281 newly confirmed cases yesterday.
264 are in critical condition—an increase of 4
84 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 5
2,877 have died–an increase of 12
There are currently 10,801 active Corona cases in Israel.
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Giving Tuesday +1
Your humble servant refrained from asking you dear readers to donate to OneIsrael yesterday on Giving Tuesday because I know your email box was probably crammed with messages from various organizations asking for your financial assistance.
Instead, I am asking that you do so today.
We sincerely believe that OneIsrael provides a unique perspective on what is going on in Israel:
*No other website that we know of tracks Palestinian terror in Judea and Samaria like OneIsrael.
*No other website that we know of tracks the number of missiles fired into southern Israel like OneIsrael.
*No other website has kept such a steady tracking of Corona cases in Israel as OneIsrael.
*No website other than OneIsrael can be counted on to criticize both the “left” and the “right” in Israel when the situation demands.
In short and to use a cliche, no other Israel-based site tells it like it is.
We hope that you will consider donating to OneIsrael today.
We need your support!