Yom Shnee, Monday
21 Kislev 5781
December 7, 2020
Photo of the Day

An IDF medic on the front lines in Honduras today–providing medical assistance following the two hurricanes that hit the country (photo: Ynet).
The medic you see is part of the IDF’s Home Front Command which has been helping people in northwestern Honduras after the area was heavily damaged by hurricanes Eta and Iota.
The IDF is first on the scene of many natural disasters around the world, but the international media rarely reports it.
Kolakevod to our soldiers!
The News on the Israeli Street
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am this morning:
344,906 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.
There were 1,080 newly confirmed cases in the last 2 days.
329 are in critical condition—the same as yesterday
85 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—the same as yesterday
2,917 have died–an increase of 8
There are currently 12,621 active Corona cases in Israel.
So the roller coaster continues. Active cases and newly confirmed cases down by approximately 500; the number of critically ill patients and those on ventilators remain the same.
On the educational front, there are 2477 students diagnosed with Corona along with 533 teachers and staff; 11 schools out of 5000 are closed, and 276 kindergartens out of 21,000 are closed because of Corona outbreaks.
Palestinian terror . . .
Palestinian terrorists attacked Border Policemen in Qalandiya this morning as they searched for two wanted men. Everything from washing machines to concrete blocks were thrown at the security forces from rooftops as they passed underneath. 6 Border Policemen were wounded.
Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs attacked Israelis at Luban A-Sharqiya, Beit Omer, Al-Aruv, on the Gush Etzion Road near Karmi Tzur, at the small Yakir Junction, between Adam and Hizma, between Tapuach and Otzrin, on Road 458 at Al Muayyir, Beit Sahur, Beit Haggai in the Hevron Mountains, Ma’ale Amos, Ariel, Migdalim, the Hizma Checkpoint, Mevo Dotan, and dozens of other places.
Because of this daily terror, new roads in Judea and Samaria . . .
Transportation Minister Miri Regev, the only Minister on the “right” that is doing anything in this government, announced 4 new roads will be built immediately. Regev has made this possible by shifting funds within her Transportation Ministry.
Specifically, these 4 roads will now be built:
*a road to bypass Luban A-Sharqiya which will open up the western Benjamin area and Samaria
*a road from Modi’in Illit to Lapid
*a road from Beit El to Jerusalem which will include a bridge over the Qalandiya Road and new checkpoints
*a road from Adam to Hizma
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The total cost of all 4 roads will be around 400 million shekcls (about $120 million).
These will be wonderful additions which will provide safety to Jewish community members in Judea and Samaria, and change facts on the ground by encouraging more Israelis to move to the area.
A judicial disaster . . .
During 5 hours yesterday in a session from which the public was denied entry, the leftist Justice Minister Avi Nissenkorn succeeded in pushing through new appointments for around 100 new leftist, post-Zionist judges–effectively setting in motion a process which will destroy all that former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked accomplished.
Who is responsible for this disaster?
Benjamin Netanyahu.
Netanyahu is the one who kowtowed to the Kahol Lavan Party by giving it the Justice Ministry when the Coalition government was formed.
As Knesset Representative Bezalel Smotrich wrote after the appoints were announced: “The story of the Judicial Selection Committee today is the story of the failure of the ‘right’–specifically the failure of Likud and Netanyahu. The “right” is a coward and a shouter who makes a lot of noise and brings zero achievements, in front of a ‘left’ that gallops to achieve its goals.”
Normalization Increasingly Becomes Abnormalization
Context: In case everyone has forgotten, the UAE, Bahrain, and Sudan have all refused to call the agreements they have reached with Israel “Peace Treaties”. Instead, they insist on terming them “normalization agreements.”
In terms of the UAE, what Israelis were promised in return for giving up on sovereignty in Area C of Judea and Samaria were golden vacations to Dubai.
Hop on a FlyDubai airplane and within three hours you will be in paradise with cheap 5 star hotels and an abundance of amusements to titillate your and your family’s senses.
The reality as shown on Israeli TV is markedly different.
FlyDubai Flight Number 1628 took off from Tel Aviv early this morning at 1:18 am with 200 Israelis aboard, and arrived in Dubai at 5:55 am. Immediately, the passengers were detained at the airport and chucked into a “secure area.”
As of this hour, they are still sitting there after being told that their visas were not in order.
Apparently this fiasco will be resolved some time during the day; nevertheless, this is not the way it was supposed to be.
As if the FlyDubai situation is not bad enough, Israel was thrilled yesterday to participate in a zoom video forum titled “New Security Partnerships in the Middle East”. The panel home was the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Manama Bahrain.
The Israeli representative in this forum was none other than FM Gabi Ashkenazi–another former IDF Chief of Staff (like Benny Gantz) who doesn’t have the slightest idea of what he is doing.
But a funny thing happened on the way to the forum.
The Saudi Arabian representative, Prince Turki bin Faisal, used the occasion to crudely and harshly castigate Israel for everything from colonization to apartheid. Not only that but he accused Israel of massive destruction of Palestinian homes, Judaizing Jerusalem, and carrying out wanton assassinations of whomever Israel feels like assassinating. And on and on.
Apparently the rant went on for about an hour.
After which, the ever doltish Ashkenazi blabbered that he “regretted Turki’s comments.”
He regretted Turki’s comments? This is all that the Foreign Minister of Israel could muster after listening to our county be trashed?
In any case, this is the face of normalization this morning. As we predicted when this process began, what normalization really means is providing our enemies with venues and leverage with which to attack us while we sit passively by and do nothing.