Yom Rishon, Sunday
27 Kislev 5781
December 13, 2020
Happy Chanukah!
Photo of the Day
Guess what was just discovered?
An entire oil lamp/candle from the Maccabean period was just found by archaeologists of the Israel Antiquities Authority near the Pilgrim Road that leads to the Har HaBeit (Temple Mount). The Pilgrim Road (now underground) was discovered years ago running 600 meters from the Siloam Pool to the Kotel. It is a remarkable walk that all visitors to Jerusalem should take.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Palestinian terrorists three 3 Molotovs into a playground at Beit Hadassah in Hevron where a group of young girls was playing. Miraculously none of them were physically wounded.
Palestinian terrorists attacked a bus belonging to the Afikam company near Hawara causing extensive damage to the bus, but no passengers were wounded.
Palestinian terrorists using “rocks” and Molotovs assaulted Israelis at Issawiya, Al-Mu’ayyir, Kfar Kedum, on Road 443, and at a host of other places.
The “daily” Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 48 hours (from 8 am Friday until 8 am this morning):
355,786 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.
There are 3,389 newly confirmed cases.
338 are in critical condition—an increase of 22
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103 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a increase of 5
2,983 have died–an increase of 22
There are currently 17,560 active Corona cases in Israel.
There is no good news in the above numbers. We will probably reach 3000 dead in the next few days as the number of active cases continues upward.
Last night, as your humble servant was driving through Ashdod, we encountered a mile-long line of cars and wondered where they were going. As we drove on, we soon discovered they were all in a line leading to the Corona Test Center. We can expect a surge of newly confirmed cases in Ashdod tomorrow.
The road to Morocco . . .
It turns out that the U.S. has done more than just issue a statement supporting Moroccan sovereignty over the western Sahara region in order to get Morocco to sign onto normalization with Israel.
Yesterday, the Trump Administration informed Congress that it has made a $1 billion weapons deal with Rabat.
Among other items, the U.S. will sell Morocco 4 highly advanced drones along with an unspecified number of Hellfire, Paveway, and JDAM precision guided missiles presumably for use against the rebels in the region.
Welcome To Our New Friends In Bhutan!
It was announced yesterday that Israel and Bhutan have now established diplomatic relations. To appreciate this achievement, consider that Bhutan only has diplomatic connections with 57 countries and notably, not with the U.S., Russia, or China.
In fact, Bhutan has long had a policy of maintaining isolation from the world which is remarkable considering its location between China and India.

Located in the rugged Himalayas, Bhutan is noted for its beauty such seen in this amazing photo of a Buddhist monastery built into a steep mountainside.
Bhutan may seem small, but it is twice the size of Israel yet has only about one tenth the number of people (800,000). The population is about 75% Tibetan Buddhist and 20% Hindu.
By the way, if you are thinking about visiting any time soon, consider the fact that it also has what is reportedly the most dangerous airport (for landing) in the world because of the highly turbulent air in the valleys the plane passes through and the proximity to a mountain and homes in the final approach (click here to watch a landing).