Yom Reva’e, Wednesday
1 Tevet 5781
December 16, 2020
Happy Chanukah!

President Rivlin bringing souvganiot and orange donut cake to soldiers at the Dragot Checkpoint this morning.
Radar “Photo” of the Day
It has been another stormy early morning here in Ashdod. For the last 4 hours beginning at 4 am we have had an intense storm with endless lightning and thunder. Numerous streets in the city are flooded–just like in other areas of the country.
As you can see from the yellow line above, what we seem to have off coast is a tropical depression which is bringing heavy wind and rain–much like what is seen in such places as the Caribbean.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
The following covers the last 24 hours (from 8 am yesterday until 8 am this morning):
360,630 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.
There are 1,124 newly confirmed cases.
378 are in critical condition—an increase of 3
98 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—a decrease of 2
3,014 have died–an increase of 10
There are currently 18,832 active Corona cases in Israel.
We are definitely headed toward a new lockdown as the morbidity rate now approaches 4.
The new Security Council appointment . . .
The U.N. Security Council appointed a new “Envoy for the Middle East Peace Process” yesterday.
Norwegian Tor Wennesland (68) will replace outgoing Bulgarian Nikolai Maldanov who is becoming the new envoy to Libya. Maldanov was a constant thorn in Israel’s side during his tenure, excoriating us at every opportunity.
We shouldn’t expect anything different from Wennesland.
Wennesland, 68, entered the Norwegian foreign ministry in 1983. For the past few years he has served as Norway’s special envoy for the Middle East Peace Process. His specific job during this time was to facilitate the huge sums of money that Norway handed over to the PLO–money designed to undermine Israeli Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria.
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Come Serve In Israel!

Three religious Jewish Israeli women doing their national service in an Israeli hospital maternity ward (photo: Times of Israel).
Working together for a united Israel. What have you done for Israel today?
The above are the words that you see at the top of this page every time that you come to OneIsrael. They are the words that we try to fulfill with every blog that we write. They are the words that you try to fulfill every time that you show your support for Israel to those around you. Others of you have come to Israel and volunteered at your own expense for such wonderful programs as SAR-EL.
Now, for some of you, there is another way that you can support Israel.
It was announced yesterday that for the first time in the history of Israel, Diaspora Jews who are not Israelis will be allowed to come to Israel to perform “national service.” The new program will begin on September 1, 2021.
The period of national service will be 12 months.
What does “national service” mean in Israel? There are two forms of service: service in the IDF, and non-military service “to the country.” This new program only applies to the latter, non-military service.
More specifically, national service means working in schools, hospitals, disadvantaged communities, immigrant assistance, geriatrics, teens at risk, and many other programs.
What are the benefits aside from helping the country?
- A monthly stipend for necessities varying with location and type of service.
- Apartment housing in the city or place of service.
- Free bus and train rides across the country.
- Discounts offered by various business establishments.
- Social programs with other servers such as weekend getaways, tours, learning programs, and parties.
- Educational opportunities which allow one to combine service with going to school.
- Payment of private medical insurance.
And more. In short, the benefits are numerous and the satisfaction you gain is immense.
Why don’t you think about spending a wonderfully productive year in Israel? If you cannot do so, why don’t you tell another person about this golden opportunity?