Yom Rishon, Sunday
19 Tevet, 5781
January 3, 2020
Terror Photos of the Day

The car driven by the Israeli motorist that was hit in a “rock” attack today (this photo and the one below are courtesy of Dovrat Binyamin).
Looking at the windshield, it only looks like a relatively small shatter where the “rock” hit. However, the second bloody photo tells what happened:
Tragically, the 40-year-old woman who was hit by the “rock” was critically wounded in the head and has undergone extensive neurological surgery in the past few hours. She needs your prayers.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
In and around Gaza:

A photo made by Hamas yesterday of one of its “long-range” missiles being fired into the Mediterranean.
Hamas fired 9 “experimental missiles” into the Mediterranean yesterday in preparation for the next barrage on southern Israel. Why Israel does nothing to stop these “experiments” is incomprehensible.
In Judea and Samaria:
Palestinian terrorists used Molotovs and “rocks” to attack Israeli buses at Beit Anun and Al Aruv.
Palestinian terrorists used Molotovs and “rocks” to attack Israeli motorists at Neve Tzuf (where the 40-year-old Israeli woman mentioned above was critically wounded in the head), Shavei Shomron, Al Fawwar, Ateret, the Michmash Junction, the Hizma Checkpoint, on Road 443 close to the Maccabim Checkpoint, on Road 465 near Deir Nizam, on Road 465 at Halamish, and at numerous other places.
Palestinian terrorists used Molotovs and “rocks” to attack IDF troops at Chumash.
In and around Jerusalem:
It was a day for Palestinian on Palestinian violence at Akev. As you may not know, Akev is a Palestinian settlement beside Ramallah which is within the Jerusalem Municipal Boundary but on the Palestinian side of security fence. As such, Israel leaves it up to the PLO to police the area.
Yesterday, a veritable war broke out among clans in the settlement resulting in at least 3 dead and 22 wounded.
The daily Corona (Covid-19) update . . .
Here are the numbers over the last 48 hours (from 8 am Friday until 8 am today):
434,799 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.
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There are 11,537 newly confirmed cases.
740 are in critical condition—an increase of 70
188 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 23
3,392 have died–an increase of 67
There are currently 49,506 active Corona cases in Israel.
Again the Corona number continue to soar with more than 5500 new cases per day and increasing numbers of critically ill. The number of active cases in the country is about to hit 50,000.
Another incredible theft from an IDF base . . .
It was revealed yesterday that 93,000 5.56mm bullets have been stolen in recent days from a weapons repository at Tze’elim–located in the Negev.
The suspected thieves are Bedouins who usually work with someone on the inside to carry out their heists.
Netanyahu Asleep At The Wheel
Actually, Netanyahu and his advisers and handlers.
Consider the following photo from yesterday:
The above photo looks benign enough until you consider the details. As you know from Friday’s blog, PM Netanyahu is how engaged in a frantic attempt to attract the Israeli-Arab vote.
So Netanyahu and his advisors decided that they would go to Umm Al-Fahm, a hotbed of anti-Israel fervor, to recognize the supposed one millionth person to receive the Pfizer vaccine.
Somehow they decided that 66-year-old Muhammad ‘Abd al-Wahab Jabarin would be the perfect choice. It is Jabarin you see above brushing elbows with Netanyahu. They did this without consulting anyone in the municipal government of the city.
If you are a regular reader of OneIsrael, you may recall that the Jabarin family clan has produced more terrorists than perhaps any other Israeli-Arab family. It turns out that Muhammad Jabarin is one of the worst of the lot.
Back in 1978, he brutally stabbed an Israeli to death, was found guilty, and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was released after serving 14 years in 1992.
You can be sure that Netanyahu’s foes in the coming election will use this photo endlessly:
This is just one more example of Netanyahu asleep at the wheel–so concerned about his legal and electoral predicaments that he seems incognizant of what is going on around him.