Last Night’s Missile Attack Beside Our Home In Ashdod

Yom Shnee, Monday

5 Shevat, 5781

January 18, 2020


Disturbing Quote of the Day

“The reading of the contract signed between the Israeli government and Pfizer shows unequivocally that this is a clinical study for all intents and purposes, and thus should have been approved by the Helsinki Committee . . . Anyone who might claim that this is not a study is simply a liar. This is the most extensive study of human beings in the 21st century. Israel has become an experimental field;  it was obligatory to have shared this with the citizens of Israel.”

Dr. Tehila Altshuler, commenting on the fact that Israel is basically a guinea pig to find out the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine and its side effects–a fact that we have already reached and written about here at OneIsrael.

The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror . . .

Israel’s security service, the GSS, released 2020 terror statistics today. Even though the “official statistics” badly misstate the facts, they are somewhat illuminating.

According to the GSS, 3 Israelis were murdered and 46 were wounded in Palestinian terror attacks last year.

In addition, Israel’s security services thwarted 430 “significant” terror attacks including 5 kidnapping attempts.

Why do we say that the GSS statistics badly misstate the facts?

Because the terror experienced by Israelis living in Judea and Samaria is largely ignored. Dozens of daily “rock” and Molotov attacks are not usually included in the terror tally. On average, two or three Israelis are wounded every day in those attacks.

The daily Corona update . . .

Please note that these numbers encompass from 8 pm yesterday until 8 pm today (Monday):

552,415 Israelis have been confirmed with the virus since the pandemic began last March.

There are 6,328 newly confirmed cases.

1,201 are in critical condition—a decrease of 36

290 of the most critically ill are on ventilators—an increase of 14

4,005 have died–an increase of 26

There are currently 80,620 active Corona cases in Israel.

A few glimmers of hope here: fewer than 10,000 new cases, a decrease in critically ill, fewer than 50 people died, and the number of active cases dropped by about 2000. Let’s hope that these trends continue.

Following the highly reported death of a Corona patient in a hospital this past week as a result of an accidentally unplugged ventilator, it is being suggested by health officials that 1 in 3 Israelis who died of Corona in the first three weeks of January died because of congestion in Israeli hospitals.


Last Night’s Missile Attack Beside Our Home In Ashdod

At 2:32 am, four missiles were fired out of Gaza into southern Israel. Because the missiles struck an “open” area, no incoming missile alarms were sounded.  Click here to see the missiles as they were fired out of Gaza; note the flash of light that occurs just before the missiles were fired (this video is from Twitter and you may not be able to access it).

Back to that flash of light. Reaching into its bag of excuses for Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, the IDF is now claiming that this was yet another inadvertent missile launch caused by lightning. What seems unable to be recognized by the IDF is that the terrorists in Gaza are now cleverly using thunderstorms as cover for their launches.  

In one of the most absurd statements to date by the IDF spokesman, he commented today that in response to the missile fire, the IDF attacked “workshops for digging Hamas tunnels.”

Workshops for digging Hamas tunnels?

Hamas “diggers” are usually small children whose digging instruments are their hands and small shovels.

One last note: That “open area” hit by the missiles was just beside our house in Ashdod. You may recall that over the last few years, we have described that a number of “unreported” explosions have taken place in the same area.

This entry was posted in News and tagged a clinical study, a liar, ashdod, contract, Corona, gss, helsinki committee, Israel, kidnappings, lightning, missile attack, palestinian terror, pfizer, the most extensive study of human beings in the 21st century, unplugged ventilator. Bookmark the permalink.

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