The Gilboa Hotel: Why Would You Ever Want To Escape?

Yom Reva’ee


2 Tishri 5782

September 8 2021


Rosh Hashana 5782, the Jewish New Year, began Monday night at sundown–and its celebration continues here in Israel until this evening. OneIsrael wishes all of you dear readers the best in health, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year!

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Our annual Rosh Hashana-Simhat Torah fundraising drive has now started. Please consider donating to OneIsrael so that we can continue to get the word out about what is happening here in Israel. Thank you for your consideration!



The Idiotic Verbal Exchange of the Day

Part of a telephone conversation yesterday between Israeli FM Yair Lapid and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken:

Lapid: Our new government policy is that the best way to secure Israeli residents in the South is by strengthening Hamas via economic measures in Gaza.

Blinken: We welcome the recent steps taken by Israel to facilitate the Gaza Strip.

Your humble servant is going to regurgitate his breakfast, but at least here we have it spelled out for us by Lapid. Despite the Hamas missile fire, despite Hamas’s violent murderous attacks on our soldiers at the Border Fence, despite Hamas machine gun fire on Sderot and elsewhere (see below), all our moronic government can think about is strengthening Hamas. 

It is simply incomprehensible. 

The News on the Israeli Street

Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Click on this link for a 1 minute video from a security camera in Sderot last night. What you see is a parking area. What you hear is machine gun fire from Palestinian terrorists in Gaza at the city.

Can you believe this?

A .50 caliber bullet hole in a car in Sderot.

A .50 caliber bullet hole in a car in Sderot.

No only do Israeli men, women, and children living around the Gaza border have to deal with the constant threat of missiles and mortars, now they also have to deal with .50 caliber machine gun fire being fired randomly into their communities in an attempt to kill them. 

As you might expect, there has not been one word from the IDF or the government about these new attacks from Gaza.

A little bit of good news . . .

It appears (unless there is another massive post-Rosh Hashana outbreak of Corona) that Israel will begin allowing tourists in limited numbers into the country beginning on September 19th after Yom Kippur and just before Sukkot.

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One can only suppose that the entry requirements vis a vis Corona testing will remain strict.

A little more good news, this time from the sporting world . . .

Algerian judoka Fathi Nurin, who refused to face an Israeli judoka in the Tokyo Olympics has been banned from international judo events for the next 10 years by the International Judo Federation.

Of course, the Algerians will appeal and the punishment will be softened, but the announcement of the ban was stunningly refreshing.



The Gilboa Hotel: Why Would You Ever Want To Escape?

The six escapees from Gilboa Prison remain at large with the police now assuring us that they have not left Israel for “vacations” in Jordan, Syria, or Lebanon.

Revelations about conditions inside the “prison” continue being published by the hour which reveal that Israel’s supposed super-max Gilboa Prison for the most hardened terrorists has been anything but a prison.

Here are a few of the amenities offered:

Satellite television with a special subscription for sporting events.

A dedicated chef to cook up all your favorites.

An in-room kitchen to add to your culinary delights.

A gym for working out.

A canteen where you can obtain or order anything.

Cellphone service (as we noted yesterday, the prison officials long ago gave up on trying to confiscate smuggled-in phones).

All kinds of educational programs from receiving degrees from online universities to cookie-making classes.

Sony Playstations.

Semen collection and delivery service to wives on the outside (this has been going on under the guards’ noses for years).

A “concierge” for special requests such as spending the night in a different cell and obtaining more time outside in the yard.

Coordination of all activities with the authorities (no unilateral decision making by prison officials).  In other words, no real rules and no real punishments. Talk about inmates running the asylum.

And best of all, you don’t have to spend an agorot–everything is paid for by the Israeli taxpayer while you collect a salary for murdering Israelis from the PLO.

All of which begs the question of why would you ever want to escape?

This entry was posted in News and tagged A canteen, A concierge for special requests, A dedicated chef, A gym for working out, All of which begs the question of why would you ever want to escape?, best of all, Cellphone service, collect a salary for murdering Israelis from the PLO, cookie-making classes, Coordination of all activities with the authorities, culinary delights, educational programs from receiving degrees, escape, everything is paid for by the Israeli taxpayer, gilboa hotel, In other words, inmates running the asylum, no real punishments, no real rules, no unilateral decision making by prison officials, obtaining more time outside in the yard, prison, room kitchen, Satellite television, Semen collection and delivery, Sony Play stations, spending the night in a different cell, subscription for sporting events, to cook up all your favorites, where you can obtain or order anything, you don't have to spend an agorot. Bookmark the permalink.

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