Yom Chamishee
28 Kislev 5782
December 2 2021
Happy Chanukah!
The Souvganiot of the Morning

These tasty morsels with coconut and caramel were spotted by your humble servant this morning in the Ashdod City Mall. They were yummy!
Photo of the Morning
Quote of the Day
Do you remember this photo from last week:

A Civil Administration bulldozer destroying the 4-family community of Geulat Zion today (photo Voice of Israel).
“In recent weeks the government and the defense establishment have set themselves the goal of completely eradicating fledgling Jewish communities on the hilltops of Judea and Samaria, and will resort to any means to reach that end, including administrative and draconian orders given without trial and without notice.
The eviction order issued to me tonight, expelling me and my family from our home and into the unknown, is part of a series of harassments and persecution by the security system against the redemption of Zion. What is happening is violence against us including destroying our homes and property while completely ignoring Palestinian terrorism and illegal building.
I intend to fight the eviction order and the persecution of the youth of the hills until the defense establishment internalizes that we pioneers also have basic rights.”
Neria Zarog, whose home was bulldozed (photo above) by the Civil Administration at Geulat Zion last week.
Last night, Zarog was “evicted” from Judea and Samaria and forbidden to have contact with dozens of his friends. As Zarog said, that eviction order came with no prior notice and no judicial hearing.
What Israeli authorities are doing to brave Israeli Zionists in Judea and Samaria is appalling.
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

This bus was attacked between Ma’ale Amos and Ivi Nahal last night. The bus driver was wounded in the eyes by shattered glass.
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Palestinian terrorists attacked buses south of Givat Assaf, between Beitar and the Al-Khader Junction, and near Hizma.
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on an IDF position near Migdalot.
Palestinian terrorists attacked a police car on Hevron-Gush Etzion Road near Beit Omer.
Palestinian terrorists assaulted Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs at numerous locations throughout Judea and Samaria.
A succinct, sane summation of the Omicron variant situation . . .
Famed Israeli cardiologist Dr. Yehuda Adler discussed on the radio this morning the hysteria which has gripped our government concerning the latest variant of Covid-19:
“I understand that the Prime Minister said that we are in a state of emergency, but we are not in a state of emergency. This is a variant with 50 mutations. It is true that in all probability the Omicron is highly contagious and also attacks more children, but apparently it does not cause a more serious illness, and apparently the vaccine in part works, I do not know by what percentage. I think the hysteria is unnecessary . . .
Don’t Do As I Do, Do As I Say Do!
Nothing characterizes the current government more than an abject failure to lead by example. PM Bennett and his cohorts love to tell everyone what they should or shouldn’t do, but then turn around and violate their own criticisms and restrictions.
This morning we have two more glaring examples of this utter hypocrisy.
If you recall, PM Bennett along with others in his government spent years criticizing former PM Netanyahu for being a wasteful spender–particularly when it came to renovating the official prime minister Balfour residence in Jerusalem.
Yet this morning we have the news that PM Bennett has pushed ahead with renovations at Balfour at a cost of 35 million shekels–and has even ordered work accelerated with the knowledge that the cost is expected to rise dramatically.
Second, in the last week alone, we have seen PM Bennett and “Associate” Prime Minister/FM Lapid violating the travel restrictions they demanded from the rest of us.
In the midst of warnings from our government about how we should not travel abroad because of Omicron variant, FM Lapid hopped on a plane last Thursday and took off on a vacation to Paris and London. Yesterday, it came to light that PM Bennett’s wife and children had just taken off for a private vacation to an as yet unknown destination (whether Bennett will join them is not known at this time).
Likud Knesset member Yisrael Katz had this to say about the Bennett family vacation:
“After advising Israeli citizens not to fly abroad – Bennett’s wife and children take off for a vacation abroad. This is how it is when political lies became the norm and personal example is trampled on. Such chutzpah . . . Zero credibility.”
It’s the old adage once again: “Don’t do as I do, do as I say do.”