Yom Shishee
29 Kislev 5782
December 3 2021
Happy Chanukah!
The Souvganiot of the Day
The Video of Last Night
Click here to see former PM Netanyahu lighting one of the oil candles in the large Chanukiyah at the Kotel (Western Wall) last night. Fast forward the video to 1:23 and watch the next few minutes.
The Photo of the Morning
The News on the Israeli Street
The current Omicron-Corona situation in Israel . . .
As of this morning, a total of 3 people in Israel are verified to have the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Two of those infected are experiencing mild symptoms; the third has no symptoms at all. All three of these had been vaccinated and received a booster.
30 other people are believed to possibly have the Omicron variant of Corona of which 24 are unvaccinated.
The ever changing Corona regulations . . .
Now that PM Bennett’s own family is cavorting on vacation abroad in violation of the government’s recommendation about traveling in the face of the Omicron variant, these regulations were agreed upon yesterday:
*Anyone landing from abroad who does not perform the required 3rd or 7th day second PCR test will be fined 2500 shekels. This penalty will go into effect in two weeks at which time the Health Ministry and Israel Police will sync their computers.
*A vaccination “happening” will be held soon which will be a day on which medical workers in mobile vaccination vehicles will go to schools and community centers to vaccinate children.
*As of midnight last night, GSS tracking of cellphones of those infected with Omicron ceased.
The never changing rash of Palestinian terrorism . . .

The smashed out rear glass of a car which was attacked in the Jordan Valley last night (photo: Rescue Judea and Samaria).
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists with Molotovs and “rocks” near Karmi Tzur, north of the T Junction in Gush Etzion, north of Kiryat Arba, at Luban a-Sharqiya, and at numerous other locations in Judea and Samaria.
Palestinian terrorists attacked two buses near Hizma.
The latest demand from the Biden Administration . . .
It is widely reported this morning that the Biden Administration, which is proceeding willy nilly with the nuclear weapons appeasement negotiations with Iran in Vienna is now demanding that Israel undertake no covert operations against Iran’s nuclear program and not do anything to surprise the United States.
In case we have all missed something, Israel’s covert operations against Iran have been all that have supposedly thwarted Iran from getting nuclear weapons.
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And now Biden wants to neuter Israel completely?
By the way, Biden Secretary of State Blinken telephoned PM Bennett yesterday to order him not to allow any more construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
Israel has become nothing more than a vassal state to the U.S.
Some interesting numbers from yesterday . . .
*In 1998, the average Israeli Bedouin woman gave birth to 10.6 children; that number has now dropped to 4.9. Apparently, as the number of Bedouin women receiving an education increases, the number of children each has decreases.
*The amount of blackmail money that Qatar is paying Hamas terrorists in Gaza has increased from $7 million dollars a month to $10 million a month. This must make Swiss bankers very happy since it was shown last month that there is where much of the Hamas senior leadership secret their money.
*A paltry 3,379 Jews have ascended to the Temple Mount thus far in the month of Kislev; 64% more than during this amount of time in Kislev last year, but only 38% more than in 2019. 3,379 . . . and the Muslim world led by Jordan screams about the “Judaization” of the Mount. By the way, between 5,000 and 10,000 Muslims go to the Temple Mount everyday.
In case you missed it . . .
Speaking of the Temple Mount, the viruliently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish United Nations General Assembly voted Wednesday to refer to the Har HaBeit (Temple Mount) solely by its Arabic name thereby denying any Jewish connection to the holiest place in Judaism.
The vote was 129-11 with 31 abstentions.
The Biden Administration: Throwing Israel Under The Bus
The lead story on the website Arutz Sheva today is how Israeli intel–possibly provided by some of the Israeli companies that the Biden Administration blacklisted last month– has saved the lives of hundreds of U.S. soldiers. The Arutz Sheva article is based on a report appearing today (Friday) in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Aharonot.
We quote from the Arutz Sheva article (emphasis mine):
“Israeli intel is credited in Friday’s report with helping the US avoid casualties on numerous occasions, including in two high-profile attacks by Iran or Iranian-backed forces against bases housing American soldiers in the Middle East.
The first attack took place on January 7th, 2020, when Iran launched a barrage of missiles against American targets in Iraq, including the Ayn al-Asad base, which housed some 1,500 US personnel.
The ballistic missiles barrage could have resulted in massive casualties among the US forces, had American personnel not been evacuated to reinforced bunkers moments before the attack. A last-minute warning by Israel to the US, based on information collected by Israeli intel, was critical in evacuating the American soldiers before the attack.

An American officer stands in the bombed out ruins of the Ayn al-Asad Air Base in Iraq following the Iranian attack. No American soldiers died thanks to Israeli intel (photo: CNN).
The second incident cited in Friday’s reported occurred on October 20th, 2021, when Iran launched a large-scale drone attack on the Al-Tanf base on the eastern edge of Syria, near the Iraqi border.
The base, which houses some 200 US soldiers, was evacuated shortly before the Iranian attack, again thanks to early warning provided by Israeli intel.”
As we noted above, the Biden administration is ordering Israel around as if we are a lap dog when it comes to Iran, Judea, and Samaria. But talk about ingratitude and ineptitude: it is also throwing Israeli intel companies under the bus even as they are helping save American lives.