Yom Shabbat
30 Kislev 5782
December 4 2021
Happy Chanukah!
The Chanukiya Of The Evening

This beautiful Chanukiya atop the Star of David is perched on archaeological remains of the Byzantine/Crusader fortress in front of our house here in Ashdod which has been turned into a national park. In the unseen background is the Mediterranean Sea.
The Souvganiot of the Day
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Photos of the Day From The North And South

A wavy red sunset over two Israeli patrol boats in Eilat Bay on the Red Sea yesterday (photo Hamal).
The Revealing Video of the Day
As the short 16 second video begins, two Israeli soldiers are retreating back down a street after being blocked by PLO militants. As you watch, note how heavily armed the uniformed and masked Palestinians are. Click here to see what our undermanned and under-armed brave soldiers face everyday.
Please Note:
Your humble servant does not write a blog per se on Shabbat. Tomorrow we’ll return with all the news from here in the land of milk, honey, and souvganiot!.
In the meantime: