Yom Rishon
1 Tevet 5782
December 5 2021
Happy Chanukah!
The “Candle Lighting” Photo of the Evening

U.S, Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides lighting the oil for the candles at the Kotel (Western Wall) last night in Jerusalem (photo Matti Stern: U.S. Embassy).
The Souvganiot of the Day

At breakfast today at the restaurant. Believe it or not, those tubes sticking into the souvganiot contain syrup to sweeten them even more.
Photo of the Morning
Another Amazing Photograph

An Israeli Yasur helicopter dropping deflection flares over the Mediterranean (photo: Amit Agronov, IAF photographer). This photograph won first place this week in the prestigious Aviation Week journal. The Yasur in a CH-53 “Sea Stallion” helicopter.
The News on the Israeli Street
The weekly Corona update . . .
The number of people confirmed with Corona over the weekend: 447 (a decrease of 90 from last weekend).
The total number of active cases: 5,340 (a decrease of 2,014 from last week)
The positive test rate: 0.51% (down from 0.68% last week)
In serious condition: 111 (a drop of 14 from last week)
In critical condition: 64 (a drop of 8 from last week)
The number who have died of Corona since the beginning of the pandemic: 8,199 (an increase of 17 from last week)
Vaccinated with 3 doses: 4,095,062
As you can see from the above, all numbers concerning Covid-19 here in Israel are trending in the right direction. So far, there are 6 confirmed cases of the Omicron variant here, but none of those who have it are hospitalized.
By the way, the World Health Organization announced this morning that there no deaths in the world have been attributed to Omicron.
Continued carnage on the roads of Israel . . .
9 people died in car crashes over the last two days.
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The most egregious involved a Palestinian-driven car which smashed into the car of a young Samarian family from Bruchin on Road 465 near the Ofarim Junction, killing two children, and also critically wounding the mother (who lost a baby she was pregnant with), and the father.

Heartbreaking tragedy of the Me’oded family caused by Palestinian recklessness: the two children Halleli (6) and Tov Re’i (3) dead, the mother in critical condition after having lost her baby, the father also in critical condition.
How did the accident occur?
The Palestinian-driven car was in a line of traffic which had slowed to stop and go speed. The driver of the car–who had no driver’s license– suddenly decided to veer out of the lane, do a u-turn, and speed into the lane going in the opposite direction on the other side of the road. When he did so, he smashed into the Israeli car. The two Palestinians in the car were also killed.
News from the neighborhood . . .
Official Turkish news channels reported last night that there was an attempted assassination of PM Erdogan. Apparently, a bomb was planted under a car that was part of the security detail for an Erdogan rally in the southeastern city of Siirt.
One never knows whether to believe the Turkish official media or not. The last time there was “an attempted assassination” Erdogan used it as an excuse to round up, jail, and execute many “dissidents.”
Numerous reports came in last night of explosions in Natanz at Iran’s central nuclear facility. This morning an unnamed Iranian nuclear scientist has claimed that a building was hit and that evacuation notices have been given to residents in three towns close to the reactor: Shaja’a-Abad, Ja’far-Abad and Ahmad-Abad.
This comes as the latest round of JCPOA negotiations have ended fruitlessly in Vienna with all sides “returning home to consult with their governments.” Even the Europeans are now upset with Tehran for backtracking on agreements made with the Rouhani government prior to the current one under Ebrahim Raisi who took office in August.
Another Stabbing in Jerusalem, Another Police Investigation Run Amok
There was another horrific Palestinian stabbing attack near Sha’ar Shechem (Nablus Gate) last night.
Fortunately, the terrorist was shot and killed by Border Police.
Unfortunately, the Police have spent the morning investigating the Border Police who eliminated the terrorist.
By way of context, you should know that IDF soldiers, Border Guards, Border Police, and regular police are regularly briefed on the danger of terror attacks. In recent weeks, an element of that briefing has been to be especially careful about the possibility of suicide bombers. This comes as a Hamas cell was uncovered last month which included more than 50 terrorists, a cache of weapons, and 4 suicide vests.
Click below to watch the video of what happened yesterday. Note that an orthodox Jewish man was crossing the street when the terrorist suddenly lunged at him violently stabbing him in the neck and back. The terrorist then ran toward Border Police brandishing the knife. He was shot. Then while lying on the ground on his stomach, he rolled over leading the Border Police to believe he was going to detonate. They shot him again.
As we have already noted, both of the Border Police who shot the terrorist have spent the morning being “investigated under warning.” They have been released within the last hour with no charges being filed against them.
All of the left-wing voices in the government are calling for their arrest. Minister of Regional Cooperation Issawi Freij blathered: [The shooting] was an act expressing indifference to human life.” The Joint Arab List which also supports the Coalition called it “a terrible crime.”
Isn’t it amazing how the left always turns the terrorist perpetrator into the victim in this case conveniently overlooking the actual victim in the attack, the orthodox Jew who was crossing the street who remains in critical condition this morning at Sha’are Zedek Hospital.
Each word used by the leftists applies precisely to the terrorist and his actions: “indifferent to human life” and “a terrible crime.”
Voices on the right are exemplified by former Justice Minister Ohana who said “the fighters should receive certificates of appreciation, this is exactly how a terror attack should end.”
Ohana is exactly correct on both counts: the Border Police deserve our thanks, and this how terror attacks should end--with the terrorist dead.