Yom Shnee
2 Tevet 5782
December 6 2021
Happy Chanukah!

It’s the last night and day of Chanukah! OneIsrael wishes joy to all as we conclude our celebration (image courtesy of rotter.net).
The Two Final Souvganiot This Chanukah
And one more from the same kiosk in Nes Ziona this morning:
The Chanukah Quote of the Day
“He who rules the mountain rules the whole land of Israel.”
Knesset Legislator Itamar Ben Gvir, speaking as he lit the 8th candle last night at the Mughrabi Gate to the Temple Mount–at the Gate because Jews are not permitted to light a chanukiya on the Mount itself.
As usual, Ben Gvir is absolutely correct.
The Maccabees knew this in 166 BCE when they revolted against the Greek Seleucids who had desecrated the Temple and were trying to de-Judaize Judea. After their military victory, the first place they went was to the Mount to rededicate the Temple.
Unfortunately, the leaders of Israel today have completely forgotten the importance of the Mount as they have gradually ceded control to the Jordanian Islamic Wakf. They have forgotten that the Mount is the heart and soul of Israel.
Isn’t it amazing and appalling that a Jew living in Israel today cannot do what the Maccabees did 2,187 years ago?
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
We awoke on this last day of Chanukah to the horrific news of another terror attack from last night. A Palestinian terrorist rammed his SUV into the booth at the Tanim Checkpoint critically wounding a security guard. Fortunately, the terrorist was shot and killed:

How in the world did the security guard survive the impact of being pinned against the concrete stanchion and vehicle?
Of course, this was but one of dozens of terror attacks during the last day.
Palestinian terrorists using Molotovs and “rocks” attacked Israelis at such places as between Ariel and Tapuach near Marda, on the Hevron-Gush Etzion Road near Beit Omer, near the Beit HaNot Junction, at Jaba Tzurif, Mevo Dotan, and in the area of the Ofakim Junction.
A follow-up to the Jerusalem terror attack two days ago . . .
The orthodox man’s condition who was critically wounded by being stabbed in the neck and back has been upgraded to “serious.”
The two Border Police who shot and killed the terrorist have had their weapons returned to them. As you may not know, their weapons were absurdly taken away as the police investigated the attack.
The ever pompous and idiotic Ehud Barak . . .
One would think that after being inextricably tied to Jeffrey Epstein, former PM Ehud Barak would no longer be sought for opinions; however the leftist Israeli media delights in interviewing him on every subject.
Last night the subject on Channel 12 was Iran about which Barak actually uttered this gem: “Even if Iran has nuclear weapons, they will not use them against us.”
Yes, you read that correctly.
Despite sending out a spokesman everyday to tell the world that their main goal is the destruction of Israel, it turns out that “in the world according to Barak” this goal of destruction is not to be believed.
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Barak’s stupidity calls to mind the old adage which he obviously doesn’t know: “If someone tells you he wants to kill you, believe him.”
More hypocrisy from PM Bennett . . .
We have previously written how Bennett has ordered renovations to the Prime Minister’s residence accelerated at a cost of 30,000,000 shekels plus. This is after Bennett and his cohorts mercilessly criticized former PM Netanyahu for similar renovations.
At the same time that criticism was leveled at Netanyahu, Sara Netanyahu was crucified by members of the current coalition and in the daily press for expenses related to the private Netanyahu residence in Caesarea. Yesterday, it was revealed that Israeli taxpayers are doling out 600,000 shekels per year to take care of PM Bennett’s private residence in Ra’anana.
The Magic of Chanukah!
What a wonderful holiday it has been as we have remembered the miracle of Chanukah. Last night we lit the last candle and can barely wait until Chanukah arrives again next year. How can we forget the warmth of family and friends and the delicious latkes, souvganiot, sfinj, and moflettas we ate along the way.
How we wish that our “leaders” of Israel today would learn from the Maccabees!
A moral center to have conviction, courage to follow that conviction, unwillingness to bow to external forces that would rip away our religion and our country, the tenacity to fight for what is right: these are just a few things the Maccabees could teach us.
To your humble servant, the magic of Chanukah has always been embodied by the twinkling lights on our chanukiyot. On this last day of Chanukah let’s take a look at some of these from all over Israel:
From the traffic roundabout up the hill from our house in Ashdod beside the elementary school (every roundabout–kikar in Hebrew–in the city has been adorned with a chanukiyah by Chabad):
And another:

A mystical woman outside her home in the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem just after lighting her Chanukiyah. We see her every year and she never changes–leading us to wonder if she was around to see the first Chanukah!
From these large displays, let’s move to a smaller scale:

Inside a home in Ashkelon. Somehow the candles that tilt precariously are the most intriguing. We always try to guess which one will be the last to remain lit.
From Ashkelon to Netivot:
This chanukiya was posted last night but with no location given:

Just plain gorgeous! And so symbolic: what do you think the lights above on the tips of the branches/roots emanating from the chanukiya represent?
We could go on and on, but we will bring our chanukiya displays to an end with this simple one:

As you may be able to see, this chanukiya was one of thousands distributed by Chabad. As is the custom in our family, we had a special dedication for each candle.
Why did I save this one for last? Because it is the one we lit last night at our daughter’s apartment in Tel Aviv where the spirit of Chanukah enveloped us like a warm blanket.
A final “Happy Chanukah” to each of you for this year!