Yom Chamishee
5 Tevet 5782
December 9 2021
The Amazing Photo of the Day

A giant black azania photographed in Ahula Park in the north yesterday. The bird, rarely photographed in Israel and is mainly home to the Arabian peninsula, has a larger wingspan than any other bird that flies through Israel; this one was obviously blown off course by the stormy winds yesterday.
Amazing Video of the Day
As mentioned above, yesterday was very stormy with high winds and rain. But that didn’t stop surfers from hitting the waves out in front of our house in Ashdod.
Click here to see a 7 second video of a truly remarkable surfer in Ashdod!
The Dessert Snack of the Day
What Israeli child can imagine life without Krembo? These chocolate covered marshmallows are a taste delight:
The main producer of Krembo in Israel is Strauss. It was announced today that beginning in January, a Danish company will challenge Strauss for Krembo superiority in Israel.
The News on the Israeli Street
Bennett backtracks, again . . .
All we should expect from PM Bennett now is for him to break every promise and backtrack on every pledge he ever made.
You may remember that a special airplane began to be outfitted back in 2014 to carry the prime minister, president, and other dignitaries on diplomatic missions abroad.
The plane, nicknamed “Wing of Zion” has been completed and certified, but PM Bennett and FM Lapid both promised it would never be used because it was a tremendous waste of money (hundreds of millions of shekels). They specifically blamed former PM Netanyahu for his wastefulnes.
Well, guess what?
You have already figured it out.
It now turns out that PM Bennett wants to use the plane after all noting hilariously that he no longer wants to waste money taking commercial flights.
Here we go kowtowing, again . . .
FM Lapid, who spends all of his time traveling abroad in contravention of the government’s suggested Corona regulations, is in Cairo today.
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Where according to his media team, he had a long and fruitful discussion with President Sisi.
What were they talking about?
That Israel needs to be “more flexible” (aka “make more concessions”) in releasing terrorist prisoners in order to get Hamas to release the body parts of our two soldiers from 2014, and the the two Israelis with mental problems who went to Gaza voluntarily.
Here we go again.
Economic disaster looms? . . .
It would seem like great news: the Israeli deficit has dropped to 4.9%, unemployment has declined dramatically, and the economy is now predicted to grow by 7.1%.
But because of this, the dollar has once again nosedived vs the shekel to 3.09 again this morning.
Which led Dr. Ron Tomer, preident of the Manufacturers’ Association to say this this morning: “Israeli exports are in danger of collapsing in the face of the dollar crisis and the government is delaying. The damage will be paid for by the entire economy.”
A Black Day in Judea and Samaria
Three very bad pieces of information from our pathetic government today for Judea and Samaria and the nearly 500,000 Israelis who live there.
1. Our so-called “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz, who controls virtually everything that goes on in Judea by virtue of it never being formally annexed to Israel, declared today that the Jews are invading (aka living) in Area C illegally–just as are many Palestinians.
That he would make a comparison between Jews and Palestinians living in Area C is appalling.
2. Our cowardly government has now kowtowed to the European Union in separating Judea and Samaria from the rest of Israel–so that we can receive EU funding.
How nauseating that we would sell our ancestral homeland for money?
3. Transportation Minister and ultra-left wing Knesset member Merav Michaeli proudly crowed this on her Twitter feed yesterday:
“Since the formation of the government, not a single transportation project has been approved or budgeted in Judea and Samaria.”
By making sure that no transportation project gets approved, Michaeli and her government make sure that the residents of Judea and Samaria will continue to be attacked every hour of every day by Palestinian terrorists.
And so it goes today in Israel.