Yom Shnee
9 Tevet 5782
December 13 2021
The Photo of the Day

A beautiful shot of a crane flying across the sunrise at Ahula National Park this morning (photo: Ariel Tanami).
The Israeli Sweet of the Day
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror overnight . . .
The IDF and Border Guards fought with Palestinians in Shechem; one terrorist was killed and another was wounded.
Palestinian terrorists attacked this bus near Hizma:
Other “rock” and Molotov attacks occurred at Lupine Aia, on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road between Beit Omer and the Karmi Tzur Junction, and at Huwara near Einbus Square, among other places.
The Civil Administration attacks Israelis again in Samaria . . .
The ongoing effort of our own government to attack Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria continues apace. At this very minute (7 am Israel time), Civil Administration officials accompanied by Border Police are destroying agricultural plots and fields maintained and owned by the Jewish residents of Amona.
Corona wars . . .
Now that most Israeli parents are refusing to vaccinate their children (only 10% vaccinated so far), the government is going to try to force the issue by sending mobile vaccination units to the schools. What will happen then is anyone’s guess.
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At the same time, the government is apparently going to try to force everyone who enters a shopping mall to present their “green pass” showing that they have had three doses of Pfizer vaccine.
Yesterday, Shahar Turgeman, the chairman of the Commercial Chains group, declared that “We will not cooperate with a decision of this kind. If the government thinks that we are going to separate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated at the entrance to malls, it is delusional.”
Meanwhile, the numbers have started ticking upward again. Six Israelis died of Covid-19 yesterday, but none of them died from the Omicron variant.
Israel Going To War With Iran: Who’s Kidding Whom?

Our so-called “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz meeting the American Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in Washington 3 days ago.
The Jerusalem Post headline yesterday blared “Gantz presents Iran attack timeline to Washington.” The Israeli news media has gone berserk with report after report about how war with Iran is imminent. Even the Israel Air Force announced that it is going to hold a drill–in six months–which will involve the number of planes necessary to attack Iran flying out over the Mediterranean and back.
All of this is coupled with the news that the nuclear discussions in Vienna between the P5+1 and Iran have not been going well, and all sides have left the discussions to consult with their home governments.
The time has come to insert some sanity into this absurd situation in which we are announcing in advance our plans to go to war.
To begin with, Israel does not possess the capability or the will to attack Iran’s nuclear complexes from the air. Not the capability because the Iranians have hardened facilities far underground and out of reach of our bombs. And not the will because our government and IDF are in the hands of the Israeli left. So, covert action yes, overt action no.
Second, Israel knows what the effect of a strike on Iran would be. We would immediately be hit by more than 150,000 missiles from Iran and Hezbollah, and probably more from Hamas. Israel would burn as our strategic assets go up in flames, and who knows how many tens of thousands of Israelis would die?
Third, the idea that President Biden would ever order a military attack on Iranian facilities is folly. Biden is wholly interested in renewing the JCPOA, and each time the Americans say that “all options remain on the table”, they most assuredly do not mean (as much as the Israeli media wants them to mean) that a military strike might be forthcoming. In fact, after the latest round of talks dissolved in Vienna the other day, Secretary of State Blinken nevertheless declared “they were productive.”
Fourth, in the same vein, the Biden Administration would also not support or supply Israel with the means of making a strike on Iran.
So, in your humble servant’s opinion, all of the war mongering here in Israel is nothing more than false bellicosity combined with yellow journalism–and needs to come to an end.