Yom Chamishee
12 Tevet 5782
December 16 2021
The Sunrise Photo of the Morning

What a startlingly red sunrise here in Ashdod this morning; nature has included a “flight” of small black brushstrokes (photo Avi Sofer).
The Israeli Food of the Day
Almost everywhere in the world has a fruit salad, but what makes Israeli ones unique is the base of figs, nana, and pomegranate seeds.
The News on the Israeli Street
And Today’s Blog
The Outrageous Video of the Day
The irony is that the Israel Civil Administration and security services will do nothing about what happened. And, if there was no video of this, “Jewish extremists” would be accused of sabotaging their own property.
The entire situation is outrageous.
The Outrageous Fact of the Day
The IDF revealed yesterday that more than 100,000 bullets were stolen from the IDF base at Ein Zeitim (near Tzfat in the north) last month.
There are no leads as to who stole the ammo or where it was taken to.
This comes after the IDF supposedly clamped down on security to stop such thefts from taking place.
One More Outrage from our “Security Services” . . .
According to data released by the GSS yesterday, there were no “rock” attacks in Judea and Samaria last month.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Talk about a cover-up. There are minimally two dozen such attacks every day. For example in the last 24 hours:
- Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs between Yakir and Revava, on Road 55 between Azzun and Ma’ale Shomron, at the Hamra Junction, at the Yesod Ma’alah Junction, at Luban a-Sharqiya, near Tekoa, between Itamar and Elon Moreh, and at a dozen other locations.
- Palestinian terrorists attacked buses with “rocks” and Molotovs on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near Al-Aruv and at Beit Omer.
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The bottom line is that no one can believe anything that the government says about what is happening in Judea, Samaria, on the Gaza Border or anywhere.
The Biden Administration Rushes Headlong to the PLO
The U.S. State Department announced last night that it has held talks with the PLO for the first time in five years. The subjects: connecting Palestinian and American businesses, environmental initiatives, and infrastructure development.
Your humble servant has highlighted infrastructure development because this refers to developing Palestinian facts on the ground in Area C of Judea and Samaria.
Jordan Demands Even More
As we all know by now, there is no end to the demands made by Jordan. The Jordanians trash us in every possible way then demand that we reward them.
What are the demands this time?
*extending the operating hours at the Allenby Bridge Crossing to 24 hours a day
*facilitating the export of cement from Jordan to the PLO
*extending an oil pipeline from Jordan to PLO territory
Backtracking on Several Fronts
The Americans:
If you recall, the Biden Administration has been intent on opening a Palestinian consulate in eastern Jerusalem, a Palestinian Consulate that would have in essence divided Israel’s capital. Fortunately Israeli politicians in the government and in the opposition stood firm in their rejection of this idea.
It only shows what can happen if our spineless politicians exhibit a spine.
The Israel Coalition Government:
The Coalition government announced yesterday that the plan to develop the egalitarian section at the Western Wall which was to take place in January has been put on indefinite hold. Faced with massive disruptions from the Likud and Orthodox parties, the government has backed down.
This decision is almost shocking inasmuch that government has been hell-bent on patching up things with Jews abroad–especially those in the United States.
Your humble servant applauds this decision. As we have written here, we support the enlargement of the egalitarian section at the Kotel, but we do not believe that Reform and Conservative Jews from overseas should have seats on the body that dictates what happens at the Wall.
And so it goes in Israel today . . .