Yom Shnee
16 Tevet 5782
December 20 2021
The Photos Of The Day
It is another bizarre weather day here in Israel with heavy snow in the north, sleet and hail in the center, and heavy winds and rain everywhere else as a storm named “Carmel” sweeps in from the Mediterranean. At this moment, torrential rain and winds up to 70 km/hr are pummeling your humble servant’s location here in Ashdod.
Click here to see sleet/hail in Nes Ziona.
Some strange photos this morning:
Orange is the color of the day:
And believe it or not, in between waves of stormy weather, rainbows:

Even the rainbows are orange. Look closely, there is a double rainbow out in the Negev a few hours ago.
The Paradigmatic Israeli Breakfast
We may have bad weather today, but we still have to eat–and one of the favorite breakfast foods here is shakshuka, a combination of tomatoes, onions, garlic, spices, and poached eggs:
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Now that our so-called “Public Security Minister” Omer Bar-Lev has decided to declare war on any Jew on the Israeli “right” especially Jewish community members in Judea and Samaria, Palestinian terrorists are running amok.
There were two more Palestinian stabbing attacks yesterday, both in Jerusalem. One was at Sha’ar Shechem (the Nablus Gate)–the terrorist escaped; the other took place in the Nevi’im Katan neighborhood in Jerusalem–the Palestinian terrorist from Anata was captured.
Two Palestinian terrorists were captured while trying to infiltrate Israel from Gaza. They were armed with knives and grenades.
Palestinian terrorists attacked with “rocks” and Molotovs on the Trans-Judea Road near the Beit Kahlil Bridge, between Anatot and Hizma, and at least two dozen other locations.
Palestinian terrorists attacked a bus (bus line 142) near Hizma. The driver was wounded with glass shards in his eyes and had to be taken to Hadassah Ein Keren Hospital. This month alone there have been 25 attacks on buses with 5 drivers wounded.
Corona updates . . .
PM Bennett is now actively engaged in employing a vaccination/lockdown strategy to prevent the spread of the Omicron variant here in Israel.
In a national television address last night, Bennett made a plea to parents to vaccinate their children. In addition, there is every indication that Ben Gurion Airport will be completely closed down.
Your humble servant cannot help but think that these actions are like closing the barn door after the horse has already escaped. Omicron is here in Israel, but few if any people are experiencing serious symptoms–and still, no one with Omicron has been hospitalized.
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Bennett and the government appear increasing hysterical and irrational.
The IDF changes its tune . . .
Maybe protests do pay off. You may recall that several months ago, your humble servant and his wife marched with the women whose loved ones are serving at the Gaza border, in order to try to have the IDF change its “open fire” orders to permit our soldier to shoot those attacking them.
Those protests seemed to be going nowhere.
And the situation even seemed to worsen with the IDF issuing orders several weeks ago that our soldiers could not fire on terrorists throwing “rocks” and Molotovs in Judea and Samaria.
That policy apparently changed yesterday with the IDF now decreeing that gunfire can be directed at terrorists as they are committing terrorism or even when they are fleeing after doing so. The only criterion is that the shooting must take place in the “combat zone”–in an area in the immediate vicinity of the terrorism.
The Government’s All-Out War On the “Right”

Omer Bar-Lev, Israel’s Minister of Internal Public Security. He is a member of the left-wing Labor Party.
The order has gone out from our government in the form of Omer Bar-Lev, Israel’s leftist Minister of Public Security, that the police have free rein to assault anyone and everyone on the Israeli “right.” It is obvious that Bar-Lev is using this strategy to distract from his utter failure to thwart Bedouin terrorism in the south and Israeli-Arab crime throughout the country.
At the same time, Bar-Lev and the government have turned a completely blind eye to the daily Palestinian terror in Judea and Samaria. With all police resources being directed against Jews, Palestinians are now expanding their attacks with daily stabbing, shooting, and “rock” and Molotov throwing.
The scenes on Israeli television yesterday told a sordid story.
We had heavily armed police attacking a small peaceful demonstration at the Strings Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem.
That demonstration of about 20 Jewish community members in Samaria–protesting the lack of police action concerning the death last year of a young Jewish man by negligent police officials in a car chase in Samaria– was broken apart by police firing a water cannon at the protesters.
The scene of one female protester who was waving an Israeli flag being hit from behind and knocked some distance in the air was particularly egregious. She was badly injured.
Then we had the news from Homesh where a small group of protesters decrying what happened to Yehuda Dimentman were physically assaulted by the police with support from the IDF.
As part of that reportage, the IDF spokesman announced that a soldier had been run over by a “settler” and injured. That story–which continues to reported this morning on Israeli television–turned out to be completely false. No soldier was run over by anyone.
As a person accurately commented on social media concerning what happened at Homesh: “First the left invents a negative and violent image for the settlers, and then invents content for that image.”
Then we had the violent destruction outside of Kiryat Arba yesterday where the Civil Administration and police razed a tiny building that had been erected in memorial to Yehuda Dimentman and physically assaulted those trying to film the destruction.
It must be noted that police action is being directed not only at those in Judea and Samaria–but also those elsewhere in Israel who are on the right and protesting against things like forced vaccinations.
Your humble servant could not help but remember the years of anti-Netanyahu protests during which the police did nothing.
What is the bottom line?
Omer Bar-Lev is a disgrace to his office and should be removed forthwith. What he is doing to Israel with his discriminatory policies is ripping the country apart at the seams.