Yom Shleeshee
17 Tevet 5782
December 21 2021
The Photos Of The Day

A giant snowman at the skiing facility on Mt. Hermon. What you cannot see on the gauge is that the snow depth yesterday evening was 32 cm (1.04 ft).
2:30 pm in the afternoon in dark Petah Tikva as the storm clouds rolled through yesterday:
Video of the Day
Ready to be uplifted? Click here for an inspirational video from the wonderful acapella group “Kippalive”.
Scrumptious Israeli Snack of the Day . . .

How about some baba ganoush (roasted eggplant with olive oil and lemon) dip to whet your taste buds? (photo: insanelygood).
The News on the Israeli Street
Great news: released from the hospital . . .
Aharon Judah, who was critically wounded a month ago in the same Palestinian machine gun attack that killed Eli Kay on the Temple Mount was released from Sha’are Zedek Medical Center following a series of surgeries for the multiple gunshot wounds he suffered:
Now he must undergo months of rehabilitation at Tel Hashomer, but kolakevod to him and his doctors!
The curious story of the morning . . .
During the heavy rains yesterday here in Ashdod, a homeowner who lives close to your humble servant found himself dealing with a leak in the ceiling of his living room.
Upon going up to the roof, he discovered an exploded missile apparently fired during one of the wars or mini-wars with Gaza. The missile had fortunately not exploded, but it had punctured a hole in the roof which was obviously causing the leak.
Police sappers are now on the scene disarming the missile.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Aside from the numerous Molotov and “rock” attacks yesterday, two Palestinian terrorists from Beit Jala were captured yesterday on Road 60 in the Hizma area. This is what police and YSM officers found in their car:
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The daily Corona update . . .
Yes unfortunately, due to the current situation, we are returning to a daily update on Corona.
More than 1,300 Israelis tested positive for Corona yesterday–the highest total in one day for the last two months. However, thankfully, no deaths due to Corona were recorded yesterday.
Tonight, the government is instituting a travel ban to the United States and Canada. One can still fly there as to other “red” countries, but a special exemption is required.
More than that, an airplane is required. As Israel once again shuts down, airlines are already canceling flights. In the past few days, United and British Airways have both halted some flights.
The PLO Joke of the Day: “A Disregard For Palestinians’ Lives”
The PLO is condemning the “open fire” changes announced yesterday that the IDF is implementing in Judea and Samaria that will permit our soldiers to shoot at terrorists who are trying to kill Israeli motorists by assaulting them with Molotovs and “rocks.”
According to the PLO, the change indicates a “disregard for Palestinians’ lives”.
What a joke.
Never mind that the Palestinian terrorists are trying to murder us, we are supposed to have regard for their lives.
Oh and more . . . the PLO says that it will ask the International Criminal Court to “examine the issue” because it is “Israel’s confession” that it is “forcibly stealing the lives of Palestinians.”
George Orwell couldn’t have said it more surreally.
But wait . . . there is even more.
How about this lunacy from Israel’s other security agencies which let it be known yesterday that they reject the change in “open fire” regulations because “it may cause price tag (aka retaliatory) attacks by far-right activists against Palestinians that will set the area on fire.”
To restate this: the security establishment is against shooting terrorists who try to murder us because it is afraid that it might cause “right wing activists” to attack Palestinians which will in turn cause an outbreak of violence in Judea and Samaria.
An outbreak of violence? Palestinian terrorists have already set Judea and Samaria on fire with daily stabbing attempts, shootings, and “rock” and Molotov attacks.
And how in the world did “right wing activists” get thrown into the mix? This has to be our hideous Public Security Ministers Omer Bar-Lev at it again blaming everything—what has happened and what might happen—on the “right.”
To sum it up, according to our idiotic security establishment which has obviously never learned history, we should never defend ourselves because to do so would invite more violence against us.