Yom Shishee
20 Tevet 5782
December 24 2021
Special Notice
Tonight is Christmas Eve, and OneIsrael would like to wish all who celebrate the holiday a very Merry Christmas!
The Photos of the Day
Christians make up about 2% of the population of Israel (approximately 185,000). 78% of the Christians are Arabs, and they primarily belong to the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

The newly-born pediatric unit at Nazareth Hospital. Notice the Santa Claus (or Father Noel as the Arabs say) on the red suits (photo Nazareth Hospital EMMS Spokesperson’s Office).
Speaking of Nazareth:
Switching to the world’s youngest monotheistic religion, we have this drawing of the new Baha’i Gardens now being built in Akko (Acre)–the site of the new Bahai’i Temple:
The Israeli Food of the Day
As all eyes point to Jerusalem, how about a famous oblong Jerusalem bagel today with some labneh and olive oil:
The News on the Israeli Street
The Corona situation worsens . . .
1,420 new cases of Corona were confirmed yesterday (at least 300 of which are Omicron) bringing to 9,591 the number of active cases in the country. These numbers are the highest in months. Fortunately, the number of seriously (81) and critically ill on ventilators (38) remain stable. The total number of deaths now stands at 8,241, a number incrementally increasing at the rate of about 2 people per day.
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Hysterically, the government continues lurching about producing new regulations for schools and shopping areas. The school restrictions mostly involve setting up zoom classes for students living in “red” and “orange” areas; shopping malls will be required to limit the number shoppers both within the malls and within stores inside the malls.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
A canine-supported Border Police unit tracked down a group of terrorists yesterday near Al-Izriya and uncovered a cache of IEDs:
Palestinian terrorists opened fire on our soldiers near Burka in Samaria. Seven shots were fired; fortunately no Israelis were wounded–however, the terrorists escaped.
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with “rocks” and Molotovs on Road 25, on Road 55 between Azzun and Karnei Shomron, on Road 446, near Hizma, and at a myriad of other places.
The above incidents were reported to Rescue Without Borders SSF/Rescue Judea and Samaria.
Shame! Israel Destroys The Yeshiva Compound at Chomesh
We all knew this was going to happen.
First we had nearly 15,000 people come to the yeshiva yesterday to remember Yehuda Dimentman who was murdered one week ago. They had to walk for miles in the misting rain after police stopped their buses from arriving at the site.
Once there, there were speeches by Ettia, Yossi Dagan, and others–all imploring the government not to destroy the yeshiva where Yehuda studied.
But as I already said, we all knew what our cowardly government would do. We knew that the pleas to President Itzhak Herzog, PM Bennett, “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz, and Minister for Public Security Omer Bar-Lev would all fall on deaf ears because nothing is more important to this motley cast of characters than pleasing the Biden Administration in Washington.
So, as soon as the speeches were over and the IDF had pushed all of the people away, Civil Administration and police officials began under cover of night to destroy the yeshiva and the rest of the compound which included housing for families. The destruction continues this morning.

A mother and her three children sort through the destroyed remains of their home at Chomesh trying to recover parts of their lives.
Aside from President Herzog’s astonishing comment that whether the yeshiva would be allowed to remain depended on the Americans, Omer Bar-Lev said on the radio yesterday that “the yeshiva is illegal and needs to be treated.” When he was asked why court-ruled illegal Palestinian construction such as at Khan Al-Ahmar was not being destroyed, he replied “Khan Al-Ahmar is different.”
It is different because it is Palestinian and it is supported by the U.S. and the European Union–and therefore cannot be touched by Israel, especially not by this craven government.
What happened and is happening this morning at Chomesh is a shame.
On that unhappy note: