Yom Shabbat
21 Tevet 5782
December 25 2021
Special Notice
Today is Christmas, and OneIsrael
would like to wish all who celebrate the holiday a very Merry Christmas!
In Jerusalem:

Issa Kassissieh (aka Santa Claus) riding his camel around the Old City of Jerusalem yesterday (photo: JPost).
The Challah of this Shabbat
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Photo of the Day
Quote of the Day
“PM Bennett and Benny Gantz, thanks to you the terrorists are dancing and the Jews are crying.”
Yossi Dagan, President of the Yesha Council of Samaria, commenting on Israel’s destruction of the Chomesh yeshiva and compound.
How right Dagan is! Not only dancing because of the destruction, but also because Palestinian terrorism has once again been rewarded. 7 days after Yehuda Dimentman is murdered, his yeshiva is destroyed.
Please remember that your humble servant does not write a blog on Shabbat, and so we say again: