Yom Rishon
22 Tevet 5782
December 26 2021
Photo of the Day

A beautful sunset at Rosh Hanikra at the northwestern tip of Israel yesterday (photo: Batsheva Ben Harush).
The Israeli Food of the Day
Israelis love cheese and what could be more snacky than buttery sambusaks which are basically turnovers stuffed with meat, potatoes, or cheese and herbs–and topped with sesame or poppy seeds?
The News on the Israeli Street
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
There was another shooting attack from a passing Palestinian vehicle at a checkpoint near Shechem (Nablus).
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with “rocks” and Molotovs at Makiyot, between Meitar and the Omarim Crossings, at the Peduel Junction, near Eviatar, beside Shavei Shomron, and at Migdalim among other places.
Palestinian terrorists attacked IDF positions in Hevron and another at Qalqilya with no response from our troops.
Palestinian terrorists attacked buses on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road and at Hizma:
Palestinian terrorists threw dozens of Molotovs at Jewish homes in Shiloah.
An IDF military convoy was attacked in the Jenin sector with no response.
The weekly Corona update . . .
The number of people confirmed with Corona over the weekend: 1,175 (an increase of 638 from last weekend).
The total number of active cases: 11,661 (an increase of 4989 from last week)
The positive test rate: 1.82% (up from 0.95% last week)
In serious condition: 93 (an increase of 12 from last week)
In critical condition: 38 (a drop of 3 from last week)
The number who have died of Corona since the beginning of the pandemic: 8,241 (an increase of 9 from last week)
Vaccinated with 3 doses: 4,191,467. Nearly 3,000,000 people living in Israel have yet to receive any vaccine.
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Omicron: 591 of the 1,175 who tested positive yesterday have the Omicron, bringing to 1,118 the total number of Omicron cases identified in Israel so far. Of this 1,118, 723 returned to Israel with the Omicron–and obviously the other 395 were infected with Omicron here in Israel.
Corona regulations for schools . . .
We have discussed in previous blogs how absurdly confusing the current Health Ministry guidelines are for malls. The school situation is slightly better:
The following cities/neighborhoods are classified as either red or orange: Ma’ale Adumim, Sakhnin, Ze’ev, Rishon Lezion, Mailia, Kfar Yassif, Beer Yaakov; the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Baka, Talpiot, Arnona, Makor Chaim, Givat Hanania, and Shufat; in Tel Aviv: Districts 3, 4, and 5.
So, Grades 7-12 in these locations will be conducted by zoom if fewer than 70% of the children are vaccinated. Apparently, there are no new restrictions from K-6. By the way, the Health Ministry specifies that principal of each school has final say as to whether to zoom or not.
A vicious anti-Israel enemy dies . . .
Desmond Tutu, the archbishop of South Africa and 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner, died last night at aged 90.
Tutu spent the last 40 years of his life writing one article after another and speaking at one venue after another around the world attacking Israel.
He encouraged a global boycott of our country and called on religious groups of all stripes such as the U.S. Presbyterian and Methodist Churches to pass anti-Israel resolutions.
Good riddance to this egregious anti-Semite.
What Would You Call It? Groveling, Truckling, or Kowtowing?
Not that there is more than a hair’s breadth difference between the three.
We’ll stick to groveling today.
Not a day goes by now that we don’t have our Israeli government groveling before the Biden Administration. Your humble servant realizes that you dear readers are probably getting tired of hearing about it, but it has become such a fact of life here that it is impossible to ignore.
The absurdity of it is that Israel is groveling in return for nothing.
The Biden Administration continues to pursue its own path on Iran.
The Biden Administration continues to pursue its own path on creating a Palestinian state.
The Biden Administration continues to forcefully tell Israel what to do about all facets of Israeli life.
Just take the last three days.
The Chomesh yeshiva and its accompanying compound was completely destroyed by Israel after–according to President Herzog--being ordered to do so by Washington.
All funding for Ariel University for the coming year has been revoked. We don’t have the specific reason why, but we don’t need it. Washington has ordered all funding for all Jewish entities in Area C of Judea and Samaria frozen.
This morning comes the news that Israel will now allow Palestinian-Americans to enter Israel through Ben Gurion Airport–and do so without special security measures. Never mind that this is a direct invitation to terrorism; according to our weak-kneed government, Israel will do this because it has been “approved” by Israel’s security services.
Of course the real reason is that the Biden Administration told Israel that Israelis would never be able to get a visa exemption (like the some 40 other countries that have the exemption) unless we conceded the point.
And so . . . we conceded the point.
Another day, another concession by a government that has lost all semblance of dignity and self-respect.