Yom Chamishee
26 Tevet 5782
December 30 2021
Photo of the Day
In the photo are MADA medic Adi Rosenfeld and her 7-year-old daughter Omer. Note the braids that Omer is holding in her hands after having cut her hair; they are destined for a cancer patient.
Kolakevod Omer!
The Israeli Food of the Day

Cauliflower cream and almond butter soup: perfect for another cold day here! (Photo: Walla! Matan Chopin).
As you may not know, Israelis are crazy for cauliflower. Usually it comes to a table fried brown in small “cruvets”, but this particular creamed soup is popular.
The News on the Israeli Street
On the Corona front . . .
The Health Ministry continues to roll out new confusing restrictions virtually every day.
One day you have to wear a green bracelet to shop in a small, the next day you don’t. One day your kids are supposed to attend school by zoom, the next day in person. One day the sky is practically closed with numerous red countries, the next day most red countries are removed and the skies are practically open.
Here are the new regulations (with my translations) that went into effect at midnight:
As we have reported the Israeli public has begun to actively resist government dictates especially related to vaccinating children and entering malls:
The above sign equates the “green passport” which must be shown upon entering a mall with the yellow star which Nazis forced Jews to wear.
The Corona numbers today:
3,227 Israelis were verified with Corona yesterday. The positive test rate was 2.5%.
There are now 18,652 active cases of Corona in Israel.
89 Israelis are in serious condition; 37 Israelis are in critical condition on ventilators.
8,243 Israelis have died from Corona.
These numbers indicate what is well known: the Omicron variant is highly contagious and is spreading rapidly as indicated by the ever-increasing numbers of newly verified and active cases.
However, the Omicron is not causing an increase in the number of critically ill, seriously ill, or people who have died–the numbers of whom have remained nearly unchanged for weeks.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
In Gaza:
The past few days have seen a joint military exercise of all the terrorist factions in Gaza under the aegis of Hamas. The photo above was taken at the final ceremony last night.
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Just before the above ceremony, a Hamas sniper wounded a civilian Defense employee who was working on the border fence. The attack took place in virtually the same place as Sgt. Barel Shmueli was murdered back in August.
In response, the IDF fired artillery rounds at an empty observation post and a few sand dunes–and then ludicrously declared that the IDF “believes that Hamas was not responsible for the shooting” and that it “was probably the act of a lone wolf.”
In Judea and Samaria:
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli motorists with “rocks” and Molotovs at Hizma, on Road 446 south of the Okef Avod Dam, between the Alfei Menashe and Eliyahu Crossing, on Road 443 near the Maccabim checkpoint, between Kiryat Arba and Hevron, on Road 458 north of Kochav Hashahar, Deir Nizam, and at Curve 160 at Hevron among other places.
Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli buses at Hizma and on the Gush Etzion-Hevron Road near Beit Omer.
The above information was taken from Rescue Judea and Samaria.
In Jerusalem:
A group of high school students was attacked in the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood with glass bottles and “rocks”. One boy was wounded in the head. The terrorists were only deterred when the students’ chaperone fired a shot in the air.
A Sickening Thing To Behold
“The United States is very pleased that Defense Minister Benny Gantz hosted Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at his home in Israel. We hope that the confidence-building measures discussed between the parties will lead to momentum in promoting freedom, security and prosperity for Palestinians and Israelis alike in 2022.”
The tweet of Biden State Department Spokesman Ned Price yesterday following the meeting between Israeli “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz and PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at Gantz’s home in Rosh Ha’Ayin.
What horse manure. There were no “confidence-building measures discussed between the parties.” Israel gave everything; the PLO gave nothing–a fact that was underscored by the Palestinians after the meeting was over:
“We gained achievements and paid nothing. We are in a constant state of confrontation and struggle with the Israeli enemy. “
PLO Senior advisor to Mahmoud Abbas, Mahmoud Al-Habash speaking after the Gantz-Abbas meeting
During the past few months, the government’s increasing embrace of the PLO and Hamas has been led by leftist Defense Minister Benny Gantz. In pursuing this course, Israel has adopted the following strategy:
1. Flood the PLO and Hamas with money.
Whether we are talking about advances on tax money for Ramallah paid by Israeli taxpayers or Qatari blackmail money for Gaza, or American and European money for Ramallah and Gaza, the absurd idea is that the more we pay the terrorists, the less they will terrorize us.
2. Flood Israel with Palestinians.
Leaving aside the fact that tens of thousands of Palestinians are living in Israel illegally, and tens of thousands more walking into Israel illegally every day from Judea and Samaria, and the tens of thousands of new work permits that are now being given out to Palestinian agricultural and construction workers, we had Gantz handing out thousands more permits to Palestinian businessmen, PLO officials, and pretty much every other group Gantz could think of.
It is a dizzying number approaching some 200,000 Palestinians flooding the country, but your humble servant doubts that the government even has a precise figure.
3. Whitewash Palestinian terrorism.
There are no such people as “terrorists” any more. Instead, we have people who are mentally ill, psychologically unstable, economically impoverished, familially outcast, and on and on. And no person who kills or tries to kill Israelis anymore is connected to the PLO or Hamas. Each “person” is a rogue, or lone wolf, or a person just acting on his/her own.
4. Shift all attention to Jewish community members.
Focus media attention on the tiny number of Jewish young people living on hilltops in Judea and Samaria. Raze their fledgling communities (the Civil Administration, police, and IDF destroyed 2 tents in a rock enclosure yesterday of a small family living at Ohavi-Ya) and call them “domestic terrorists”.

The flag proclaiming “Moshiach” still stands at Ohavi-Ya where the tents were. Below you can see the police and army vehicles.
5. Do everything possible to please and appease the Biden Administration.
Not a day passes without more Israelis concessions to Washington. Remarkably, we even had PM Bennett yesterday saying that Israel is flexible on the subject of Iranian nuclear negotiations; he said that we will not always say “no” to everything.
To sum it up, we now live in a country where terrorists are not only called by another name but are also rewarded for their terror.
It is a sickening thing to behold your beloved country sliding into the abyss.