Yom Chamishee
4 Shevat 5782
January 6, 2022
Photos of the Day
This next photo is from Rambam Hospital in Haifa yesterday:

Naval Officer Ron Birman, the only survivor of the helicopter crash two days ago. At his bedside are members of the Coastal Police Maritime Unit who saved his life.
More details about the crash emerged yesterday. The helicopter’s left engine caught fire leading to the pilots making a water crash landing–which appeared to go well even to the point of flotation devices being inflated around the helicopter. However, the body of the helicopter went underwater. Birman, who had jumped out, desperately tried to get his friends out–but could not undo their seat belts.
Speaking of police, we have this photo of a Border Policewoman who is apparently being kicked out of the Border Police:
Why is she being railroaded out? Because of this photo that was posted in the social media of her pinning a terrorist to a wall:

The Border Police are noted for being no-nonsense in the performance of their duties. However, it appears that Oriane’s commander has orders to be more “humanitarian”.
Quote of the Day
“Residents of Beersheva and the surrounding area, we have the blackest day in the Negev since 1948.Naftali Bennett and his friends in the first Palestinian government gave up and passed the Electricity Law. Tens of thousands of illegal structures located on state land on every hill in the Negev will receive electricity infrastructure at our citizens’ expense and those who built them will become de facto permanent land owners. Bennett sold the Negev and allowed the Arabs to officially take it over with a stamp of the approval from the government.”
Yaron Shauker, a resident of Beersheva
Shauker is absolutely correct. In passing the benignly called “Electricity Law”, the government has sanctioned a massive takeover of the land between just north of Beersheva down to Mitzpe Ramon and beyond.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
The news is not good.
Omicron is spreading like wildfire with 16,115 new cases verified yesterday (another all-time record) bringing to 72,034 active cases in the country.
The positive test rate was 7.89%.
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134 Israelis are in serious condition and 41 are in critical condition on ventilators.
6 Israelis died yesterday bring the death toll to 8,253.
Also yesterday came the disturbing news that there has been a dramatic failure in antigen tests here. Out of three million tests administered so far, 35% of the subjects who tested negative for Corona were found to be positive when they took a PCR test. This finding obviously means that antigen tests are hugely unreliable.
On the vaccine front, 57,000 Israelis over the age of 60 have already gotten the 4th dose of vaccine, and 85,000 have an appointment to get it. Meanwhile 110,000 Israeli schoolchildren (not even 10%) have been vaccinated. The government campaign to have parents vaccinate their children is an outright failure.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
A Palestinian terrorist who opened fire on our troops in Shechem last night was shot and killed. Immediately the PLO and Hamas spin machines went into action claiming that we had killed “another Palestinian child”. Here is a photo of the “child” which was posted by the PLO:
Palestinian terrorists also attacked Israelis with Molotov and “rocks”at Shiloh, Highwat 465, Migdalot, Migdal Oz, near Beit Hadassah in Hevron, south of Karmi Tzur, and between Migdalim and Tapuach near Aqraba.
A joyous celebration in Netivot . . .
As you may not know, this week is the celebration of Baba Sali (his actual name was Israel Abuhatzeira) whose tomb is in Netivot in southern Israel near Beersheva. Thousands of Jews come from all over Israel to celebrate the life of the man who was the leading Moroccan Sephardic rabbi and kabbalist of his time–who was famed for working miracles through prayers.
Click here to see worshipers singing Psalms at the Tomb last night.
PM Bennett’s Implosion In The Knesset Yesterday
So what was the biggest news story of the day? Was it one of the stories above or perhaps “Defense” Minister Benny Gantz’s trip to Amman to hear from King Abdullah what more concessions Israel can give to the Palestinians?
It was PM Bennett’s implosion in the Knesset.
It came after the Coalition government passed the Electricity Law to provide electrical hookups to the tens of thousands of illegally built Israeli-Arab structures primarily in the Negev. During the discussion of that Law, the opposition tried to include an amendment that would have provided electricity to young Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
It was none other than Naftali Bennett who campaigned on that very issue in the last few elections; he promised repeatedly that he would “ensure” that these communities would have electricity (and water), but yesterday, that promise along with so many others he has made, was thrown out of the window as the Coalition rejected the amendment.
This led to one of Bennett’s former allies on the “right” Orit Struck walking up to Bennett in the Knesset, pointing a finger at him and saying:
“How are you not ashamed?”
Bennett proceeded to implode screaming at Struck:
“Get out of my face!”
Various members tried to calm him down, but shortly thereafter he stormed out the Knesset.
Even Bennett’s allies were appalled by his behavior saying that they had never seen such a scene by a prime minister in Israel’s lawmaking body–a body not exactly known for its peaceful exchanges.
Could this incident yesterday become the tipping point that gradually begins to lead to a new election?
We can only hope.