Yom Shishee
5 Shevat 5782
January 7, 2022
Photos of the Day

Sunrise on the Golan but the stars are still out. The IDF’s 188th armored brigade has been doing its winter training for the past few days (photo: IDF spokesman).
From the Golan to Tel Aviv:
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The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
The current outbreak is worse than ever in some respects, yet the government has done its 100th about-face and opened up the skies again. As of this morning, there are no more red countries; those that have been labeled “red” such as the U.S., Canada, France, and the U.K are suddenly labeled “orange”–meaning that Israelis can fly to them without permission from the government.
Foreign tourists are now welcome from every country so long as they can show that they are vaccinated and have a negative PCR test. They will still have to take another PCR test upon arrival in the country.
In essence, the government has now thrown in the towel on all fronts: no more red countries, no more testing and vaccinations in schools, no more bracelets in malls. The thinking now is that there will be 500,000 active cases of Omicron here within two weeks so the best that can be hoped for is the development of what we all know as a “herd immunity.”
You will notice that I wrote “in some respects” when describing the severity of the outbreak. According to Dr. Sharon Preis of the Health Ministry, 10 out of every 1000 patients with the Delta variant had to be hospitalized; with the Omicron variant that number is 2 out of every 1000.
The morning Corona rundown:
16,193 more Israelis were verified with Corona yesterday, bringing to 86,071 the total number of people in the country who have active cases. 22,371 of these active cases are students.
The positive test rate was 7.88%.
133 Israelis are in serious condition; 41 are in critical condition on ventilators,
8,259 Israelis have died since the pandemic began–an increase of 6 since yesterday.
By the way . . .
Your humble servant hesitates to draw a comparison between the flu and Corona, but at the moment 2,825 patients in Israeli hospitals are suffering from the flu strain A/H3–including 863 children and 181 pregnant women.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
Shavei Shomron, Tapuach, Singil, north of the British Police Junction near Mizra a-Sharqiya, Mount Hevron, the T-Junction in Gush Etzion and a dozen other locations were where Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with “rocks” and Molotovs,
The most egregious attacks were in Gush Etzion and Tekoa in which 5 Israelis were wounded in the head by “rocks”:
Thank you to Josh at Rescue without Borders/Rescue Judea and Samaria for the above information and photographs.
“These are not people, these are subhumans, these are despicable.”
“These are not people, these are subhumans, these are despicable.”
Deputy Economy Minister Yair Golan, on the Knesset Channel yesterday describing the religious Jews who are at Chomesh.
You do not need me to tell you this morning that “subhumans” was a term used by the Nazis to describe Jews. We all know that the Nazis used the word subhuman to justify their murder of millions of people.
The German word is “untermenschen”. As has been pointed by academic scholar David Smith: “When the Nazis described Jews as untermenschen, or subhumans, they didn’t mean it metaphorically. They didn’t mean they were like subhumans. They meant they were literally subhuman.”
This is precisely what Golan meant when he said “These are not people.”
It is not enough that Golan used Nazi terminology to describe the residents of Chomesh as subhuman, in the same interview he then actually accuses the residents of being like Nazis: “Those same people who come to settle there [in Chomesh] riot in Kafr Burqa, smash tombstones, and make pogroms.”
What Golan is referring to are unverified reports from the PLO and left-wing “humanitarian” organizations that “settlers” from Chomesh had entered Al-Burqa after its residents had attacked IDF soldiers. According to these unconfirmed reports, the “settlers” tried to enter several Palestinian homes and broke two headstones in the local cemetery. Again, according to the PLO, 1 Palestinian girl was traumatized.
Even by the PLO accounts, no one was wounded, and no one was killed. In case anyone has forgotten, a “pogrom” is defined as “an organized massacre”. Golan’s use of the word to besmirch the community members at Chomesh is an outright fraud. That fraudulent use of the word was picked up by media all over the world.
Yair Golan, who believe it or not was once the general in charge of Judea and Samaria, has a long history of egregious Nazi-related accusations.
For example, back on May 4, 2016 in a speech on Holocaust Memorial Day, Golan compared what was happening in Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu to what happened under the Nazis in Germany during the 1930s:
“If there’s something that frightens me about Holocaust remembrance it’s the recognition of the revolting processes that occurred in Europe in general, and particularly in Germany . . . and finding signs of them here among us today in 2016 . . . There is nothing easier and simpler than fear-mongering and threatening. There is nothing easier and simpler than behaving like beasts, becoming morally corrupt, and sanctimoniousness.”
Hmm. Fear mongering, threatening, beastlike, morally corrupt, sanctimonious . . .
Why in the world is someone like the hideous Yair Golan in the government? And with members like Yair Golan, why in the world is this government still in existence?