Yom Revaee
10 Shevat 5782
January 12, 2022
Special Notice
Your humble servant will be in transit from Israel to the United States for the next two days. OneIsrael will appear as possible to return to full publication on Friday. Thank you for your indulgence.
Photos of the Day

Glass on the Har HaBeit (Temple Mount). Orthodox Jews must walk barefoot on the Mount for halachic reasons. The Islamic Wakf hires workers to sprinkle glass on the stones so that the worshipers will cut their feet. Unbelievably, the police forbid Jews from picking up the glass and cleaning the way (photo: Nehemiah Aharonof).
Coke, peanuts, a candy bar or . . .
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
The numbers are soaring: 43,815 more Israelis were verified with the virus yesterday bringing to an astounding 222,877 active cases in the country.
The positive test rate was 12.09%.
254 Israelis are in serious condition; 63 are critical on ventilators.
8,274 Israelis have died since the pandemic began.
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The amazing thing here in Israel is to listen to health care providers talking about how the situation is completely out of control whereas government officials led by the Minister of Health want us not to worry because the situation is completely under control.
Whom do you believe?
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .

Yet another “bulldozer” attack in which a Palestinian terrorist tried to run over a group of IDF soldiers.
A 19-year-old soldier was wounded in the legs in this attack at the Halamish-Neve Tzuf Junction. Not surprisingly because they know they will be prosecuted, soldiers were afraid to kill the terrorist. He was merely arrested and turned over to the police.
Speaking of IDF soldiers . . .
According to casualty statistics released by the IDF yesterday, 31 soldiers died while in service during 2021.
12 were killed in traffic accidents, 11 committed suicide, 6 died from health related issues, 1 was killed during an operational activity, and 1 was killed as a result of being criminally shot by another soldier.
For unknown reasons, Barel Shmueli who was murdered by a Hamas terrorist on the Gaza border was not included in the report nor was a soldier who died in a military prison.
Rioting in the Negev . . .
As we have been writing about continuously, the situation in the Negev is such that the Bedouins have created a de facto state within a state.
All day long, there have been violent riots in the Negev over the issue of the KKL planting trees on state land.
According to the Bedouins, Israel has no right to plant trees on land that they say belongs to them by virtue of being their “ancestral homeland.”
This is just another case of Israel coming apart at the seams.