Yom Shabbat
13 Shevat 5782
January 15, 2022
The Israeli Food of the Day

Shishbarak, served at the amazing Shoreshim (Roots) Restaurant in Akko–a restaurant owned by a Jew, a Christian, and a Muslim. The restaurant is located in an ancient fortress.
What is shishbarak? Simply put, lamb dumplings served in a yogurt sauce.
The Beautiful Photos of the Day
These lovely photos were taken by Liron Shapira of the Society for the Protection of Nature.
The Intriguing Photo of the Day
This is a Jewish man who was arrested on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem yesterday. He was arrested because he impersonated a Muslim in order to gain access to the Mount–a phenomenon that has increased of late.
Some Shabbat Numbers
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1,718,989 out of 9,100,000 residents of Israeli have now had Corona—roughly 19% of the entire population of the country.
42,225 Israelis were verified with Corona yesterday–a slight decrease from the day before.
317 Israelis are in serious condition; 78 are in critical condition on ventilators: both numbers are slight increases from the day before.
8,298 Israelis have died–an increase of 5 since yesterday.
The economy according to statistics released yesterday by the Central Bureau of Statistics:
There was 2.8% inflation in Israel in 2021—the highest percentage in a decade.
Housing prices increased by 10.6%; however, the price of fruits and vegetables decreased by 2.7%.
On the education front . . .
60% of university graduates who took the recent bar exam failed.
The universities whose graduates performed best were Hebrew University with a success rate of 95%, Tel Aviv University with 87%, and Bar Ilan University with 82%.
As you know, your humble servant does not publish a blog per se on Shabbat. We’ll return tomorrow with informed analysis. Meanwhile:
Shabbat Shalom!