Yom Shishee
19 Shevat 5782
January 21, 2022
Amazing Photo of the Night

An astonishing photograph of the thunderstorm over the black waters of Haifa Bay–with the seaside road lights visible in the foreground (photo: Iryna Gurzhuyenko).
Sunset In Beersheva
The Challah of This Shabbat
The Hilarious Joke of the Day
“Nuclear talks with Iran in Vienna are moving in the right direction . . . My assessment is that we are on the right path to a final agreement.”
A senior EU official in an interview with Reuters yesterday.
Your humble servant has only one thing to say:
What an absurd joke.
Of course the talks in Vienna are going well as we always knew they would.
Of course a final appeasement agreement which is based on the P5+1 handing out every conceivable concession to the Iranians will take place.
Of course the Iranian nuclear weapons program will continue full bore.
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
2,168,016 Israelis have now had Corona.
427,023 Israelis have Corona right now.
69,201 Israelis were newly verified yesterday. The positive test rate was an astounding 18.36%.
638 Israelis are now in serious condition; 124 are in critical condition on ventilators.
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8,371 Israelis have died of the virus.
What is there to say? Corona is absolutely out of control with the only good news being that a very small percentage of those currently with the virus are being hospitalized or are dying.
Palestinian terror in the last 24 hours . . .
All reports courtesy of Rescue Without Boundaries SSF:
Jaba Tzurif, Singil northeast of Ramallah, between the Postal Junction and Ras Karkar, the Gilad Axis, throughout Gush Etzion, on the Hevron-Gush Etzion Road, at Luban a-Sharqiya, Tekoa, and on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near the Tunnels were a few of the many places where Palestinian terrorists attacked Israelis with Molotovs and “rocks”.
Chomesh yeshiva students go to court . . .
You may recall that several weeks ago our infamous Minister of Security Omer Bar Lev as well as many others including Deputy Economics Minister Yair Golan accused students from Chomesh of carrying out a “pogrom” against a neighboring Palestinian settlement.
At the time, your humble servant wrote that there was no evidence whatsoever that the yeshiva men had carried out an attack of any sort, much less a pogrom.
Yesterday, the same yeshiva students filed suit in court against all those who have falsely accused them.
We wish them well.
In the same vein . . .
Yesterday, the media reported that “settlers attacked left-wing activists” who were helping Palestinian farmers in the village of Burin south of Shechem harvest olives.
The ultra-leftist Haaretz newspaper even produced a video that purports to show masked men descending a hill to hit several people with batons and to set a car on fire. The newspaper also interviewed several leftists including some belonging to “Rabbis for Human Rights” and a 70-year-old woman who said: “They started throwing rocks at us, not stones.”
Again, however, there is absolutely no way to know whether the video is legitimate or was staged, who the men descending the hill were, and what damage was caused. To put it a different way, the accusations are completely unverified–and the video most certainly cannot be trusted because it was made by one of the leftists.
“This is our country, and we will not give it up!”
The battle for Area C of Judea and Samaria is being waged one plot and one community at a time.
In the face of government hostility to any Jewish presence in Area C, community members have now organized protests all over the country, and are engaging in activities on the ground to stake out Jewish rights to the land.
Yesterday, hundreds of residents of Peduel, Baruchin, Ali Zahav and Leshem in Samaria along with their rabbis turned out to fence the area around the Jewish community of Peduel, Inside the fenced-in area, they planted olive trees and grape vines.
The omnipresent head of the Yesha Council Yossi Dagan declared: “We will save Area C; this is our country, and we will not give it up. We are not waiting for this government. We are here to win for the people of Israel. This place will soon have a neighborhood. This has always been the case in Zionism. Where the plow passes, our boundary will be determined.”
And so it goes on this Shabbat in Israel.