Yom Rishon
21 Shevat 5782
January 23, 2022
The News on the Israeli Street
The daily Corona update . . .
2,212,596 Israelis have contracted Corona since the pandemic began.
54,135 new cases were verified yesterday. The positive test rate was 20.61%.
442,229 Israelis currently have Corona.
732 Israelis are hospitalized in very serious condition. 146 Israelis are in critical condition on ventilators.
8,393 Israelis have died from Corona in the past two years–22 of these were in the last two days.
6,055,226 Israelis have received 2 doses of vaccine.
4,423,059 Israelis have received 3 does of vaccine.
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592,510 Israelis have received 4 doses of vaccine.
What’s the bottom line? Corona infections continue surging out of control; the numbers of seriously and critically ill continue to rise. The number of daily deaths has stabilized at around 10 per day.
Palestinian terror in the last 48 hours . . .

The result of a “rock” (aka a cement block) dropped on the roof of a car in Samaria yesterday from an overpass. Miraculously, no one in the car was killed.
Palestinian terrorists using Molotovs and “rocks” attacked Israelis between Alfei Menashe and the Eliyahu Crossing, on the Trans-Yehuda Road near the Halhul Bridge, on Road 463 beside Ras Karkar, at a police checkpoint in Hevron, at Yitzhar, between Ali and Shiloh, near Beit El, at Curve 160 near Kiryat Arba, at Anata, on Road 458 near Al Mu’ayyir, between the HaOfakim Junction and Beit Anun, in the vicinity of Sha’ar Ohad, at the Avraham Hassano Junction, near Mt. Melech, south of the large Yitzhar Junction, at the Ali Zahav/Baruchin Junction, on Road 446 near the Okef Avod Junction, on the Jerusalem-Gush Etzion Road near Al Khader, and at numerous other locations.
Palestinian terrorists tried to burn down the security fence at Psagot, and attacked an Israeli bus between Jerusalem and Ma’aleh Adumim.
Palestinians attacked IDF troops near Eviatar wounding an IDF soldier in the face, north of Ofra, and at the Khursa Pillbox near Negohot.
Two earthquakes today . . .
. . . shook Afula, the Jordan Valley, Gilboa, Tiberias, and Nazareth. No damage was reported from the 3.7 to 3.9 quakes, but many were “shaken.”